2013年6月26日 · We did this for many years, before we could buy standardized 8X57 JR dies with the smaller expander for the .318 bullets. We also shot a lot of old Remington 170gr 32 Special bullets in the J bore guns; they are .321 diameter.
Load data: 8 x 57 JRS vs. 8 x 57 JS?? - 24HOURCAMPFIRE
2020年8月12日 · Acquired my first double rifle recently. I did not want a big bore as I will mainly perforate pigs and maybe an Aoudad or white-tail deer, so I opted for the 8 x 57 JRS (.323 diameter, rimmed) I have the 8 x 57 JS and load data for that cartridge is …
Who makes custom reloading dies? - 24HOURCAMPFIRE
2010年7月28日 · I've just bought myself a Blaser K95 with barrels in 22 hornet, 6.5x55 and 8x57 IRS and I'm really pleased with the gun and the way that it shoots. I've encountered a reloading problem with the 8x57 IRS barrel though. The common advice regarding loading the 8x57 IRS cartridge is to use 8x57 IS dies (aka 8mm mauser) and just change the shellholder.
I've been searching for some info on this cartridge and have found much more data on the rimless version. Just wondering if the rimmed version can be loaded using the rimless data, or how much it should be reduced? Mostly would need one good barnes tsx load, as I …
Load data: 8 x 57 JRS vs. 8 x 57 JS?? - 24HOURCAMPFIRE
2020年8月14日 · FWIW CIP lists a rather lower pressure spec for 8x57 JRS than for 8x57 JS. Roughly 48,000 psi (piezo) vs ...
8x57 mauser loads - 24HOURCAMPFIRE
2007年10月15日 · Back in 2005, I used a 220 gr Woodleigh RN in my 8x57 at 2400 fps (chrono average 2402) on a couple of Warthog and Impala in South Africa. It worked like a charm. I did most of my hunting with my CZ 550 in 9.3x62 on that trip but took along my Rem 700 in 8x57 as a backup rifle. Warthog - Rem 700 Classic in 8x57
8x57 vs .308 - 24hourcampfire
2014年6月5日 · There's probably an edge to the 8x57 on larger game due to several premium bullets in the 200-grain class, including the TSX, Nosler Partition and Norma Oryx. There a lot of relatively low-cost .308 brass available, including military. 8x57 brass is relatively scarce, but rarely unobtainable.
8x57 vs 7x57 - 24HOURCAMPFIRE
The 7X57 would probably have a shallower "learning curve" then the 8X57 because of it's higher velocity with light bullets. The 8X57 shoots plenty flat with 150s, but the short bullet don't hold onto their speed all that long because of a low BC. Again, for shots out to about 300 yards (90% of real world kills) it probably make little difference.
8x57 loads please - 24HOURCAMPFIRE
2023年4月16日 · The vast majority of my 8x57 experience over the last 50 yrs has been with 150 to 185 gr bullets, for hunting. I have tried many components in a number of '98's, commercial and milsurp. As a broad generalization, what works in a .308, works in an 8x57. I use CIP pressure data in all rifles...SAAMI is a joke.
A couple of 8x57 questions - 24HOURCAMPFIRE
2022年7月4日 · I've been loading for my 8x57 for several years now and for 200gr pills I like Varget / BL-C2, and H4895. No doubt one of if not my favorite cartridge to load for. Winchester 748 and CFE223 are also fantastic powders for the 8x57 also. I don't know what your purpose is for the 8x57 but if your deer hunting, have you considered a lighter bullet ...