8 x 57 R 360 - XXL-Reloading
Reloading data for 8 x 57 R 360 cartridges and specifications for cases and loads in this caliber. Load Data / Description The 8x57 R 360 is a unique and uncommon cartridge that has its roots in the English Kynoch 2 1/4" 360 Nitro-Express. It is a… More.
Reloading Data 8x57R/360 Metallic - Load Data
8x57R/360 reloading data with 5 loads. Using bullets from Lyman 319273 cast, Norma softpoint roundnose, RWS softpoint roundnose. Powders include Alliant, IMR.
Caliber 8 x 57 R 360 Load Data - xxlreloading.com
The 8x57 R 360 is a unique and uncommon cartridge that has its roots in the English Kynoch 2 1/4" 360 Nitro-Express. It is a less powerful 8mm cartridge, with a shot of 12.5 g having a muzzle velocity of about 1,400 m/s.
Load Data - 8x57R/360
Jacketed bullets at 50 yards, cast bullets at 25 yards. Overall cartridge length, 2.96 inches. All loads used CCI 200 primers. (Handloader Issue 139) Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. Wt.
8x57r 360 - AfricaHunting.com
2019年8月21日 · The 8x57r/360 is an obscure and completely different 8mm cartridge than either the 8x57 JR or JRS. It would be like buying a box of 30-06 to try to use in a rifle chambered for a 30-30.
7.7mm over 57 is it 8x57/360 - German Gun Collectors Association …
2012年5月30日 · It may be both a 8x57IR or a 8x57R360. If it is a "Roux-" = underlever snap action drilling it is most likely an 8x57R360. Make a chamber cast. The 8x57R360 is long out of print, but you can make cases from 9.3x72R brass, which is also in short supply.
8x57R/360 Nitro Express - ACCURATE RELOADING
2002年12月18日 · The 8X57R is simply a duplicate of the old 360 2 1/4" BPE which was first loaded with black powder, and later with somkeless! The factory loads only developed about 1800 fps,with a 196 gr bullet, and rifles made for this round should be used with caution when useing smokeless powder, and jacketed bullets.
Náboj 8 x 57R/360 - Myslivost
Náboj 8 x 57 R/360 je samostatným nábojem odlišným od 8 x 57 JR. Byl odvozen od britského náboje 360 Black Powder. Průměr střely a délka nábojnice byly převzaty z náboje 8 x 57 JR, ale průměr nábojnice je menší o necelých cca 0,9 mm. Pro odlišení se používá označení 360 podle původního vzoru.
8x57r360 - Parey Jagdausbildung
2012年9月20日 · Die basis Hülse von der 8x57Rmm 360 ist die 9,3x72Rmm und diese war eine Kopie von der British 360 Nitro Express No.2. Ladung laut RWS ( 196gr SP - 577m/s und 2114 Joule ). Der Unterschied zur Basishülse liegt an der …
8x57R/360 - Parey Jagdausbildung
2002年6月3日 · Eine DB 8X57R360 ist in der Hand eines sicheren Schützen eine wunderbare Drückjagdwaffe, hätt ich auch gerne. Unter ausreizung des Max. Druckes von 2450 bar ist eine E100 von 2000J mit dem 12,7g TMR gerade noch möglich.