Loads for Kropatschek 8X60 - Gunboards Forums
2014年8月28日 · A friend has obtained a Kropatschek 8X60 rifle. Has anyone any smokeless loads for it using the 210g bullet ideally using Unique or 4198 powder? Thanks, Gwyn
8x60 - AfricaHunting.com
2015年12月6日 · Try searching on 8x60, 8x60 Mauser, 8x60s bore, 8x60 magnum. I would send that information but it was lost when my old pc died. I also load 8x60s usually with 175 gr …
RELOAD: 8x56 R / 8x60 R Kropatschek - Gunboards Forums
2007年10月28日 · Recently purchased a nice Steyr 1886 Portuguese Kropatschek rifle. I'm thinking about setting up to reload some ammo to shoot in it. I see that there are two …
8x60 and 8x64 i/o anemic 8x57 factory loads | Gunboards Forums
2009年2月3日 · As we all know, todays 8x57 factory loads are fairly anemic. Some of you may already be aware of the 8x60 and 8x64 as being simple rechambering for the 8x57. I wasn't, …
forming 8x60 cases for German/Austrian rifles - Gunboards Forums
2021年2月15日 · g'day all. most accomplished hand loaders will be aware of this comment, but for others less experienced, this may be of interest. recently acquired an older Brno sporting rifle …
Mauser Afrika Model 8x60S - AfricaHunting.com
2021年2月6日 · The serial number 112300 also appears in the book and is listed as a Model B square bridge in 8x60. All numbers match.The factory butt plate has unfortunately been …
8mm x 60mm ammunition - Gunboards Forums
2010年12月2日 · I just picked up a vet bring back 1930 commercial Mauser sporter in 8X60 Magnum-wondered if anyone knew of a good source of ammo for the euro calibers.
8x60R Kropatchek dies - Gunboards Forums
2018年10月23日 · Does anyone out there know where I can get a sat of 8x60R Kropatchek dies? Huntington says that RCBS discontinued them and Buffalo Arms has brass only. I...
Mauser Oberndorf Type-B Sporting Rifle - Too Beautiful...
2016年5月25日 · But from what I can glean, 7,85 is the land diameter, 8,07 is the groove diameter, and it is chambered in either 8X60 S, or 8X60 J. Neither round which I have in stock!
Info on Oberndorf Mauser Type M? - Gunboards Forums
2014年6月4日 · Despite the substantial modification, congratulations on owning an Oberndorf type M. The bolt is the most noticeable of the mods and bears a striking resemblance to that of …