8th Theater Sustainment Command | The United States Army
2025年2月27日 · 8th TSC provides mission command for Army/Joint/Combined Operational-level sustainment within the USINDOPACOM AOR and integrates and synchronizes strategic …
8th Special Troops Battalion changes leadership
2023年4月21日 · Over the next five months, Soldiers from 8th STB will deploy across the Indo-Pacific region to participate and support numerous Operation Pathways missions to help build …
8th Theater Sustainment Command - Wikipedia
The 8th Theater Sustainment Command (8th TSC), as the senior Army logistics command in the United States Pacific Command's Area of Responsibility (AOR), provides command and …
8th Special Troops Battalion Holds Change of Responsibility
2023年10月6日 · FORT SHAFTER, Hawaii - The 8th Special Troops Battalion, 130th Engineer Brigade, 8th Theater Sustainment Command, senior enlisted leader Command Sgt. Maj. …
2020年9月14日 · 8th Special Troops Battalion provides administrative and logistical support to the 8th Theater Sustainment Command Headquarters, as well as mission command, …
Special Troops Battalion, 8th Sustainment Command
STB, 21st Sust Cmd Active Component STB, 1st Sust Cmd Active Component STB, 167th Sust Cmd Alabama Army National Guard Force structure Browser 8th Sust Cmd
JOINT BASE PEARL HARBOR-HICK-AM — e 8th eater Sustainment Com-mand welcomed the U.S. Army vessel Lo-gistics Support Vessel-3 Gen. Brehon B. Somervell to its watercraft eet …
8th Special Troops Battalion Change of Responsibility
2023年10月6日 · Command Sgt. Maj. Jasmine Young relinquished her responsibility as the command sergeant major of the 8th STB to Orr on, Oct. 05, 2023. (U.S. Army photo captured …
8th Sustainment Command - CurrentOps.com
8th Sustainment Command (U.S. Army [AC]) Fort Shafter | Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, United States Special Troops Battalion
8th Theater Sustainment Command - The United States Army
2011年1月11日 · The 8th TSC is a complex organization of approximately 5,000 Soldiers with sustainment responsibilities spanning the Pacific Command area of responsibility (PACOM …