9.99999…=10 - 百度知道
2006年4月16日 · 10等于9.99999…。因为10除以3等于3.33333…,3.33333…乘3却等于9.99999…。
If 9.999... = 10, then is there a general proof for any number that …
2020年11月11日 · I've read about 9.999... = 10 9.999... = 10, and I would say that I understand it. However, I am looking to apply that proof to all real numbers with trailing 9s. For example: 72.999... = 73 72.999... = 73. I have the following potential proof for this particular scenario: 73/3 = x 73 / 3 = x. x = 24.333... x = 24.333...
9.999... really is equal to 10 - YouTube
Is it possible to explain that 9.999... = 10 in a way that convinces 99.999...% of all the people in the audience? With the help of some clueless participants of the reality show Total Drama...
9.999……(9的循环)等于10?算得出不~ - 百度知道
2013年3月31日 · 9.9999…是无限循环,也就是没有尽头,那么10-9.99…=0.00000…1,因为9.99的9是无限循环所以得数的0也无限循环,所以10-9.99…=0,所以9=10
为什么某些高等数学会认为0.999…等于1 (反驳方法 ↓)
2024年3月16日 · 首先是证明0.999…=1的方法: 设0.999…=x 10x = 9.999… 10x -x = 9 9x = 9 x = 1那么既然 0.999…… 显示全部
10等于9.999……吗? | Mint's Bay - yewmint.github.io
2019年12月2日 · 假设 M = 9.999……,那么 10M = 99.999……,两者相减得到 9M = 90,因此 M = 10。 上面的小数用得不规范,这里用分数给出更严格的证明,方法和代数证明相同: Mathologer认为,这样的等式可以推广到任意的数字: 10 = 9.999…… 128 = 127.999…… 3.5 = 3.4999…… Mathologer的证明还不够严谨,他将两个式子相减,却没有证明两个式子长度是否相等。 如果两个式子长度不相等,相减就会有余项,让证明不成立。 我补充一个更严谨的证明: …
Maths puzzle: Does 9.999... = 10 ? - YouTube
It's counter intuitive, but one can argue in several ways that the infinite decimal 9.99999.... has the same value as 10. The explanations rely on geometric ...
Prove 9.9999... equals 10 | Interesting Algebraic Simplification
This video explains how to prove 9.999....=10 using simple algebraic techniques with binomial expansion.Same strategy can also be taken to prove 0.999...=1.T...
如果0.999…×10 ≠ 9.999…的数学证明准确无误,你会震惊吗?
如果0.999…×10 ≠ 9.999…的数学证明准确无误,你会震惊吗? (注意,中间是不等号! ) 这是著名的证明“0.999…=1”中的关键步骤。
Can 9.99 Really Equal 10? An Analysis of the Math" - Physics Forums
2008年2月1日 · Since you cannot find a real number between 9.999... (repeating nines) and 10, they are the same number. They're just a different way of representing the same number. If x= 9.9999... then multiplying the equation by 10 gives you 10x= 99.99999...