Life-Saving Rules - IOGP
In 2008-2017, 376 people lost their lives in fatal incidents that might have been prevented by following one of IOGP’s Life-Saving Rules. With the revision of Report 459, IOGP launched a simplified set of Life-Saving Rules to provide workers in the industry with the actions they can take to protect themselves and their colleagues from fatalities.
9 Life-Saving Rules for Oil and Gas Industry
Standardization of Life-Saving Rules across the oil and gas industry: To achieve the benefits of standardization and prevent workforce fatalities, all 9 Rules should be adopted. The nine Life-Saving Rules are shown in Figure.
With the revision of Report 459, IOGP launches a simplified set of Life-Saving Rules to provide workers in the industry with the actions they can take to protect themselves and their colleagues from fatalities. IOGP aims to improve the level of industry-wide adoption across the global oil …
Driving Follow safe driving rules • I always wear a seatbelt • I do not exceed the speed limit, and reduce my speed for road conditions • I do not use phones or operate
Life-Saving Rules - IOGP Publications library
IOGP aims to improve the level of industry-wide adoption across the global oil and gas industry. The reduced number of rules (nine) still cover a similar scope to that of the original 18 Life-Saving Rules: since 2008, 376 lives could have been potentially saved by following the revised IOGP Life-Saving Rules.
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为了降低石油和天然气行业的风险并减少死亡人数,国际石油和天然气生产商协会 (IOGP) 于 2010 年推出了自己的一套保命规则,其中包括 18 个重点领域。 The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) introduced its o
国际石油和天然气生产商协会生命安全规则 IOGP Life-Saving Rules
2024年12月18日 · 文件目标:文件的核心目的是通过 九项生命安全规则 (Life-Saving Rules),为石油和天然气行业的工作人员提供指导,帮助减少工作中的致命事故。 修订历史:2010年发布了第一版生命安全规则,2018年修订为更加简化的版本,从原来的18条规则减少为9条。 效果评估:数据分析显示,如果遵循这些规则,可以预防大约70%的相关死亡事故。 2008至2017年间,潜在地挽救了376条生命。 始终系安全带。 遵守限速规定,避免使用手机。 保持 …
About - Life-Saving Rules
In the last ten years 376 people lost their lives in incidents that might have been prevented by following one of IOGP’s Life-Saving Rules. The Rules are not a replacement for a management system, competent people, site rules or procedures – but when these barriers fail, following the Rules is a final barrier, designed for the worker to ...
国际油气生产商协会(iogp)九条安全保命规则 - 百度文库
国际油气生产商协会(iogp)制定了九条安全保命规则,旨在为油气生产和相关行业提供指导,确保员工的生命安全和健康。 以下是与这些规则相关的参考内容:
Revised IOGP 9 Life-Saving Rules (IOGP, 2018) - ResearchGate
The study applied the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers’ (IOGP) 2018 revised Life Saving Rules (LSRs) as a standard SRPs benchmark for compliance evaluation.
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