Patch 9.2 PTR Development Notes for Build 41962 - Wowhead
2022年1月19日 · Blizzard has released patch notes for this week's PTR update, build 41962, which includes tier set tuning for Death Knights, Paladins, and Mages, as well as dungeon tuning for Mists of Tirna Scithe.
Patch 9.2 PTR Development Notes for Build 42069 - Wowhead
2022年1月25日 · Blizzard has released patch notes for this week's PTR update, build 42069. In addition to minor class tuning, several new effects have been added to the Encrypted seasonal Mythic+ affix.
Patch 9.2 PTR Development Notes: December 7th - Icy Veins
2021年12月8日 · Here are the notes for this week’s PTR update. Final Sentence (Kyrian Runecarving Power) now grants 4% damage per stack (was 3%), duration reduced to 15 seconds (was 18 seconds), and now grants the Rune and Damage buff on the initial cast of Shackle the Unworthy (and again each time it spreads).
魔兽世界PTR 9.2官方补丁说明 (2.3更新) - 哔哩哔哩
2022年2月4日 · 宇宙之流通过暗影国度第三赛季的各种活动 (击败团队副本首领、PvP、史诗钥石地下城、托加斯特,诅咒之塔和扎雷殁提斯活动)来获得。 开发人员说明:造物触媒将在之后的PTR补丁中开放。 托加斯特,罪魂之塔 新游戏模式:典狱长的挑战
Patch 9.2 PTR Development Notes: January 11th - Icy Veins
2022年1月11日 · This week's Patch 9.2 update contains class changes, set bonus updates, more details about wearing two legendary items simultaneously, Maldraxxus Arena, and more. Here are the official dev notes with more information. Hello everyone! Here’s what you can find in today’s PTR update: Abomination Limb (Necrolord Ability) damage increased by 20%.
Patch 9.2 PTR Development Notes: December 14th - Icy Veins
2021年12月14日 · Here come the 9.2 PTR development notes for this week, featuring the Night Elf faces, plenty of class tuning, new campaign chapters and more.
Patch 9.2 PTR Tier Set Changes for Build 41257 - Wowhead
2021年12月1日 · There are a few datamined tier set changes in Patch 9.2 PTR build 41257 for Feral and Shadow Priests.
Patch 9.2 PTR Development Notes: January 18th - Icy Veins
2022年1月20日 · We have a big batch of changes arriving on the PTR today, with quite a lot of class tuning, the Mythic+ affix revealed (and it is actually called Encrypeted), the new arena map, and more! PTR, January 18 (Source) Hiya! Here are this week’s PTR notes: CLASSES Death Knight Class Sets Blood 4-piece:...
Patch 9.2 PTR Hotfixes for February 17th - PvP Tuning
2022年2月17日 · Blizzard has pushed some hotfixes to the 9.2 PTR which includes PvP tuning! Hello everyone! Below is the most recent hotfix added to the PTR: Fleshcraft absorb value is …
Patch 9.2 PTR Eternity's End Development Notes - MMO-Champion
2021年12月1日 · Be sure to check out the initial Patch 9.2 PTR build. Deep in the Sepulcher of the First Ones lies the key to unlock the Jailer’s plans. Gather the power of the First Ones as you pursue Zovaal into the Sepulcher and fight through his forces—but first, you must face Anduin, and discover a way to resist the Jailer’s terrifying Domination magic.
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