9.3x72R - Cast Boolits
2010年2月27日 · The 9,3x72R is comparable to the .38-55 but has a higher case volume. Lyman 48th says with a 249gr #2 Alloy Lyman #375248 boolit you will have 17000 CUP in the .38-55 with 31 grains of IMR3031. Given the higher case volume of the 9,3 and depending on your boolit weight that would be the hottest I would go (comparing it to the ffg load of my ...
9.3X72R data? - Cast Boolits
2021年10月21日 · An immense # of 9.3 X 72R drillings are very undersized and a LOT of 9.3 caliber shooters shoot .358 bullets, me included in my 9.3 X 75R Nimrod. It was German thing back when that a tight throat and a tight bore/groove shot better, AND, there was three popular iterations of the same cartridge.
9.3X72 - AfricaHunting.com
2016年2月21日 · The 9.3x72r was a common combination gun caliber with 30/30 (more or less) capability. It has survived well into the nitro era and is still factory loaded with smokeless powder at Low pressure. I have a hammer drilling that has killed at least one deer since I have owned it.
9.3x72r - Cast Boolits
2017年3月29日 · The 9.3x72R is a rimmed cartridge (for break-open firearms) that uses .364"/.366" boolits. Commercial Sellier & Bellot ammunition is readily available online, as are loading dies/etc - just google "9.3x72R cartridge" to find out all you need to know..
9.3x72R - Page 2 - Cast Boolits
2010年2月27日 · 8,7x72 Bore diameter, following old proof law of 1891 the caliber is 9.3x72R First proof shot with 7.5 gram powder and 22.9 gram bullet Second proof shot with 5.0 gram powder and 22.9 gram bullet Last proof shot/Normal loading 2.5 gram powder and 17.2 gram bullet 16 in circle caliber of shotgun barrels the actual caliber is 16/65 Full chokes
9.3x72R load advice needed - Cast Boolits
2018年9月9日 · Never seen a Husqvarna model 17 in caliber 9.3x72R?, to my knowledge they were only chambered in the 9.3x57R length. 192gn was the factory bullet weight. S&B still makes factory ammo I think? 09-10-2018, 12:56 PM #6
Load for 9.3x72R - Cast Boolits
2018年9月2日 · Just bought a pre-WW1 drilling & the rifle is chambered in 9.3x72R. It’s proofed as “Nitro for BP” so I was going to use Blackthorn 209 for powder. Anyone have any recommendation for loads? This is the 9.3 that uses a 193gr .366 bullet. Thanks!
Can I load 9.3x72R with 9.3x74R dies? - Cast Boolits
2024年4月8日 · I have some older drillings that are chambered for 9.3x72R. I have dies for 9.3x74R. I am aware that the 9.3x74R is substantially more powerful than the 9.3x72R and not to mix these as it would be extremely dangerous to try …
9.3x74R or 72? Ernst Steglieder - AfricaHunting.com
2019年3月27日 · The 9.3x72r, of which I have had a number of, is a much lower pressure round than the 9.3x74r and using the higher pressure cartridge in a gun designed for the 9.3x72r could have very unfavorable results to say the least.
9.3x72R load advice needed - Page 2 - Cast Boolits
2018年10月11日 · The 9.3x57R is a shorter version of the 9.3x72R the longer case can be trimmed down to 57mm and be resized an reloaded as 9.3x57R. If the 9.3x72R fits the chamber it is most likely that the 9.3x57R chamber has been reamed to accept the more common 9.3x72R.