女性罩杯及相关计算 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
罩杯大小示意图,从A到G的区别都在这了! - Sohu
Breast size and bra size chart with sample images – Model Studios
Cup conversion chart. Notice that for calculating the cup code there is no direct conversion between sizes in centimetres and inches. Centimetres are used in continental Europe and Inches in USA, UK and AUS.
F Cup Size Bra and Breasts [Ultimate Guide] - TheBetterFit
F cups are considered very huge but in reality, they are quite close to the average breast size in the United States. However, they are amongst the sizes that require a well-fitting, supportive bra to help you bear the weight. Finally, F boobs can look incredibly curvy on a petite girl and quite proportionate on a wide-boned woman.
內衣及胸圍尺寸對照表 - 罩杯Cup Size計算方法 | 黛安芬香港
A、B、C、D、E等罩杯多大?使用黛安芬胸圍內衣尺寸對照表,快速換算出你正確的胸圍Cup Size,找出最合你身的胸圍!
Bra Size Conversion; UK, US, Japan, India, China, France
2016年9月22日 · Here are the charts showing the Band sizes and Cup sizes in various countries: Note: Japanese bra sizes are the same as European sizes but cup sizes precedes band sizes, for example C75 instead of 75C. Cup sizes are determined by the difference of band sizes and bust sizes. The cup sizes increase by an inch a step or 2.5 cm a step.
胸圍尺寸 | 計算cup數 | Bra Size 對照表
簡單一個Bra Size 對照表幫你計算正確Cup數和胸圍尺寸。 市面上不同内衣品牌的版型設計都會有明顯差異。 就算是同一個品牌,不同產品所選用的布料、罩杯設計和深度都可以影響您需要穿的尺碼。
罩杯 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
罩杯符号(Cup E、F、G……)可以根据字母表顺序依此扩展。 例如:75B代表下胸围是75厘米,胸围大约是90厘米。 美国胸罩尺码标准可以追溯到1930年代,是历史最为悠久的标准,但是其分级不够细化,并且是以大胸部甚至超大胸部为导向的。 罩杯的表示也没有单位化,较为混乱。 最大的缺点是罩杯的计算根据不同生产厂商而有所不同。 例如. 得出美制胸罩尺码为 30 DD/E (胸罩尺寸)。 相对应的国际标准尺寸表示为 65 DD/E [8] 通过以下两个表格可以直接进行以厘米 …
Princesse tam.tam, women's underwear
Open the table below to check your size. Cup sizes (A, B, C etc.) are the same. Example: if you're a French size 90B, your European size is 75B and your UK size is 34B. Choosing the right bra size is as important as choosing the right shape. Your …
Bra Size Conversion Chart - SizeChart.com
Find your local bra size in the Bra Size Conversion Chart below, and see equivalent bra sizes in other bra sizing systems (countries). Note about cup size: In this bra size conversion chart, all bra sizes start with cup size AA. This will work with most bra models.