H7 vs. 9007 | VW Vortex - Volkswagen Forum
2008年2月25日 · they are different bulbs with different connector bases, not different bulbs made by different manufacturers. 9007's have two filaments and are the stock bulb in Jetta headlight housings, whereas H7's are bulbs that fit in Golf/GTI headlight housings. you have a …
h7 bulbs.. are they the same as 9007s? - VW Vortex
2003年8月8日 · I have a 2002 jetta GLS 1.8t and my user manual says to replace my headlights with H7, but it seems like 9007 bulbs are the right bulbs, any thoughts on this???
Question about headlights - are all 9007 bulbs the same?
2011年1月31日 · A 9007 Bulb is dual filament so it contains both the high and low beam in one bulb, as opposed to 9005/9006s that are high/low beam bulbs respectively. Silverstar bulbs will burn out a lot faster compared to "standard" bulbs because they …
安瓦力技术大讲堂:LED灯是如何区分型号的?不同车型该用什么 …
2018年7月19日 · 1、H1常用的车型主要是:国产车的远光、部分韩系车德系车美系的远光. 2、H4-(H19):常用的车型主要是:老款霸道、汉兰达、爱唯欧、起亚K2、焕驰、现在瑞纳、宝马MINI、 奔驰 Smart等等,所有车型H4由于原车总成先天性设计不足都散光,但升级安瓦力LED后效果要比原车效果提升很多。 3、H7常用的车型主要是:德系美系韩系远光和近光及国产车的近光. 4、9005(HB3)常用的车型主要是:日系的远光、帝豪和荣威少量车型、2018款别克英朗等 …
Headlight & Fog Light Bulb Cross-Reference Guide - XenonPro
2023年10月31日 · To help you figure out which bulbs are the same, we've put together a comprehensive list of all headlight and fog light bulbs. How to use: search for your bulb in the first column and then see what it is equivalent to in the second column. *HID bulbs only. Cannot be used in a halogen lighting system.
BulbFacts | Halogen Bulb Chart - Comparing Halogen Bulbs in …
2023年5月25日 · Bulb Facts, Lab testing on automotive headlight & foglight bulbs, comparison chart before you buy.
Car Light Bulb Size Cross Reference-Headlight, Fog Light & More
2023年10月31日 · 9007 bulb is equivalent to HB5, HB5, 9007SU, 9007EB, 9007XV, 9007ST, 9007CB. 9012 bulb is equivalent to HIR2, 9006. H7 bulb is equivalent to 64210, H7XV, H7CB, H7EB, H7ST, H7SU. What Headlight Bulb Do I Need? Guide to Find the Right Headlight Bulb. LED vs Halogen Headlights Bulbs: What's the Difference?
网购汽车LED大灯怎样选型号?H1、H4、H7、H9、H11、9005 …
2022年2月5日 · 如果你是大货车推荐你45w宽电压,原车5倍亮度。 然后是对应型号: 常见的 H1 \ H4 \ H7 \ H11 \ 9005 \ 9012 这些是固定车灯的接口的通用标准,就像CPU的针脚接口型号一样,它不表示车灯的性能,就像i3、i5、i7都是一个接口但是性能不同。
h7 and 9007 same or different - Audizine
2006年9月15日 · nope. the housing is completely different. the a4's have h7's bulbs in them but a buddy of mine have 9007 hid's that do not fit into his headlights on his jetta. So my question is will 9007 fit in place of my h7's?
Which Bulbs Do I Need? Cross Reference Guide for Halogen, LED …
Which bulbs fit H1, H11, H7 or H4? LED Bulbs come in standardized sizes that fit many other bulbs. Watch the video here and read the table to learn what fits.