how loud is 90db??? | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head …
2007年10月3日 · 90db is pretty loud, your ears would hurt/ring after listening at that volume for a few minutes, and you'd probably get a headache 90 dB is loud, but it's not that loud. It's well …
Signal Ratio of 80db is worse then 90db, but how much??? - Head …
2004年12月19日 · With a 90dB S/N, the noise floor is 10dB quieter than the other player. 10dB means 10 times the output of noise but since hearing has a logarithmic response, the noise is …
Are there any benefits to SNR higher than 110 dB?
2014年9月29日 · CD's dynamic range is about 90db and Vinyl about 70db, with a far higher noise floor. Neither can take full advantage of 120db SNR, but even so, why is it that people often …
Best budget tube amp for speakers with 90 dB? - Head-Fi.org
2003年10月24日 · I am in the market for a new amp to drive my 90dB 6ohm bookshelf speakers. And I want to go tube after 5 years with my Rega Luna. Source is a Rega planet for CDs or …
16bit vs 24bit -90db sinewave are different yet dac upsamples …
2016年12月26日 · Looking at -90db sine waves tests 16 bit is well.. 16 bit (stepped at -90db). Vs 24 bit which smooth. Yet this still happens with dacs which upsample data to a higher number …
how loud is 90db??? - Head-Fi.org
2007年10月3日 · At 90dB your headphones should max out at the equivalent of a train whistle at 500' or truck traffic. Ipods are generally quite quiet.. You need to put them through a proper …
Do noise canceling headphones hold up in 90dB environments?
2011年1月16日 · Not sure how good those sound. I use Audio Technica's active noise canceling phones but they are probably not enough for 90db. I did use them at a firing range with OK …
how loud is 90db??? - Head-Fi.org
2007年10月3日 · I don't think that if there is a mention of 90DB on the headphone box it automatically mean that when your ipod is full out you are getting 90DB.
What is the relationship between sensitivity and impedance?
2016年1月6日 · So with sensitivity, the dB is literally the sound level being outputted. So a headphone that says 90dB/mW is basically that a 1mW of power the headphones will release …
High Efficiency Bookshelf Speaker (>95 dB 1W/1M)
2005年7月27日 · 90dB speaker wants 12dB = 16 watts You can have lots of fun with less power, if your room is tiny and/or you like chamber music or little-girl-with-acoustic-guitar music, but …