M19 90mm shell - FIREARMS - U.S. Militaria Forum
2019年9月11日 · When a shell was forged, it was turned, and received an inspectors stamping (usually a few letters) on the body.Next step, bands installed, another mark, next step, weighed, dimensional checked and if passed all inspections the BODY ( not the driving band on a 90mm) was stamped ( engraved) with caliber, lot number, date, plant, etc on the shell ...
90MM M19 1953, need help! - ORDNANCE - U.S. Militaria Forum
2025年2月4日 · The case is marked 90Mm M19 1953 and there are no marking on the shell. The shell is blue so I assume it is a training AP round. I like to know if this is these belong together and if anyone knows when they started using the color blue to indicate training rounds?
Help With Ordinance Shell Casing - U.S. Militaria Forum
2018年10月2日 · A few 90mm. Left, 1950's AP-T, TP-T., laquered steel cases. Right case, Joliet Arsenal factory assembled 1943 HE, 1944 AP shot, brass cases.
Tell Me About This 90mm Shell - FIREARMS - U.S. Militaria Forum
2015年5月26日 · This weekend a friend gave me this nice (and large) 90mm shell casing. It has felt tabs on the bottom, which leads me to believe that a previous owner used it for decoration (or possibly a place to hold umbrellas and/or walking sticks). It stands approximately 2 feet tall.
Artillery Projectile. What type? - U.S. Militaria Forum
2019年5月3日 · wrap a string around the mid section or on the rotating band and measure the circumference of the shell using the string and then divide that number by 3.14 and then convert to mm and that should get you into the ball park of the shell. Could be a 90mm HE Shell
M12 A1 Practice Antitank Mine - FIREARMS - U.S. Militaria Forum
2021年6月27日 · More dusty relics. How's everybody's AFVID skills these days? For the longest time, I thought this was an M19 practice mine (because that's what we had for training) but the M12 and M19 are really similar. [See upper left corner for dimensions]
ORDNANCE - U.S. Militaria Forum
2024年12月3日 · For posting any type of Ordnance, including (but not limited to) artillery, cannons, mortars, bazookas, rocket launchers, recoilless rifles, mines, hand grenades, rifle grenades, smoke generators and pots, demolition charges and equipment, pyrotechnics and signal/flare projectors, chemical warfare items, anti-submarine explosives, and …
90mm Armor Piercing - ORDNANCE - U.S. Militaria Forum
2024年4月24日 · 90mm Armor Piercing. By opus5150, April 24, 2024 in ORDNANCE. Followers 1. Recommended Posts. opus5150 ...
Help With Artillery Shell Identification - U.S. Militaria Forum
2024年8月2日 · 90mm AP practice projectile.Tank gun. Most likely from the 50’s. Look very closely for engraved markings just above the top of the driving band. The casing will be ( to find- they are out there) lacquered steel, Norris manufactured. I forgot the “ M” number designation.
Sherman Tank in Action Photos - U.S. Militaria Forum
2007年1月12日 · The trials medium tanks was the T-20, T-22 and T-23 series. These trial tanks had various models of 75-76mm main guns and some trials were made of mounting 90mm guns on the T-23. These trials eventually led to the delelopment of T-26 (M-26) Pershing with 90mm main gun. T-23 medium with M4 suspension.