90 mm gun M1/M2/M3 - Wikipedia
The 90 mm gun M1/M2/M3 was an American heavy anti-aircraft and anti-tank gun, playing a role similar to the German 8.8cm Flak 18. It had a 3.5 in (90 mm) diameter bore, and a 50 caliber barrel, giving it a length of 15 ft (4.6 m).
M26 Pershing - Wikipedia
The T15E1 gun was 73 calibers in length and had a much longer high-capacity chamber giving it a muzzle velocity of 3,750 ft/s (1,140 m/s) with the T30E16 APCR shot. This allowed it to penetrate up to 330mm of armor and could penetrate the …
美国90毫米炮进化史#3 偏锋 - 哔哩哔哩
她的90毫米T54主炮被认为比T15E2更适合于这种坦克,这门火炮拥有形状改良的短粗形整装弹药,弹药名称与90毫米M3的弹药相同。 T54火炮拥有67倍的倍径和与T15E2基本相同的弹道性能,它的总长度和重量均小于T15E2,并且有一个新开发的同心后坐装置和改进的单室制退器,同心后座装置可以减小火炮的后座距离,拯救已经空间不足的炮塔。 从左到右依次为37,75,76,90毫米弹药(应为T15E2的)和T54的短粗弹药. 坦克能够携带41发90毫米弹 …
【白鹰利剑】美国90mm火炮及其载体与钢铁洪流的甲弹对抗 - 哔 …
2022年1月31日 · 通过加膛压(膛压从M3A1的38000psi猛增至T119的47000psi)的方式,美国开发出新一代90mm火炮—T119。 T119E1被定型为M36,并被安装在M47上。 不久后,轻量化的新90—T139问世,并被定型为M41,安装在M48上。
如何区分T26E1超级潘兴,T26E4超级潘兴,T26E5超级潘兴的普通 …
2019年7月22日 · m26e4相对m26改装了t15e1 90mm长身管炮,部分 (不是全部)e4车体和炮塔正面增加豹式坦克上切割下来的装甲。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。 知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视、时尚、文化等领域最具创造力的人群,已成为综合性 …
Pershing With A Long Hand - Tank Archives
2018年5月26日 · A T26E1 tank converted to use the 90 mm T15E1 gun, Aberdeen Proving Grounds, 1945. One advantage was that the Heavy Tank T26 chassis existed in metal. However, it was not possible to install a 105 mm gun in this turret.
Super Pershing vs. King Tiger - Dessau
The Super Pershing (aka T26E4-1) was equipped with a new long-barreled T15E1 90mm gun that was designed to out-perform the German high-velocity 88mm on the King Tiger. In testing, this new U.S. gun had successfully penetrated 8.5 inches of armor at 1,000 yards at 30 degrees.
T15E1 (90 mm) - War Thunder Wiki
The 90 mm T15E1 is an American tank cannon. It is used solely in the T26E1-1 . An attempt by the US to improve the firepower of the 90 mm M3 gun on the M26 Pershing, the T15E1 introduces a more powerful 90 mm charge with a corresponding longer barrel for the velocity, but has the drawback of a longer reloading time due to the large ammunition ...
现实中90毫米M54火炮和90毫米M36火炮是同一门炮吗? - 知乎
2016年10月16日 · m54炮和t54炮是同一种型号的的反坦克炮型号和坦克炮型号,类似德国的pak43和kwk43的区别,而t54炮应该跟t15e1的数据是一样的,跟m36在使用的弹种上有区别,在同样使用m82炮弹时的穿深也是不一样的,因而t54和m36是不同的。
90mm tank gun T15 - NamuWiki
2024年2月15日 · 90mm Gun T15 It is a 90mm 73 caliber high-speed tank gun developed in the United States during World War II.