CAG玩家造型交流:探究真相与搭配建议 - 百度贴吧
国内素有八十万之称的cag造型大潮似乎从未减弱过生命力。 其中水平参差不齐,绝大多数都徘徊于射友自创的“xx风格”,看到mc就联想到sfodd,槽点无数 a.复制人玩法。别人用啥我(原品/复刻,不然就找自己认为样子接近的款式代替)就用啥。
屡败屡战--浅谈CAG(战斗应用大队Combat Applications Group) …
1980年4月,经过几个月的行动策划,三角洲部队秘密开赴伊朗进行第一次行动部署,代号“鹰爪”行动,计划要求三角洲部队C-130进入遥远的沙漠,然后在集结点与8架CH-53“海种马”直升机会合,救援人质的行动将利用直升机进行机动。 梦想是美好的。 一份毫无纰漏的计划书,加上一支装备精良、训练严格的部队,这种任务的结果注定是成功。 可人算不如天算,这场本该是教科书式的救援行动在开始前就暴露出了问题,8架直升机在前往集结点的路上就因沙尘暴而损失了两架 …
Selection of some of the more rare/unusual guns used by CAG, ‘90s …
2021年10月4日 · Doesn't the HK417 see pretty widespread usage? I've seen pics of DEVGRU, UKSF, German SF, and even Russian FSB groups using it. It really doesn't seem too unusual of a weapon for CAG to use. I know they used HK-21s in Eagle Claw too. First one are airsofters, but still the HK21 was used. What’s in the 4th and last picture?
当心吧压迫者!最强CAG三角洲特种部队介绍(上) - 哔哩哔哩
2020年9月13日 · 三角洲的选拔训练包括两部分,第一部分就是筛选,淘汰率高达百分之90以上。 而游骑兵和SFG的选拔课程的淘汰率也是在百分之75到90,这种兵源素质,选拔课程还能保持百分之90以上淘汰率,有多难自行想象。
Delta Force Weapons & Gear: 14 Rifles & Guns Used By CAG
2024年6月20日 · Delta Force uses a wide variety of weapons, including pistols, assault rifles, sniper rifles, shotguns, and more. Learn more about the weapons and gear used by CAG here.
- 评论数: 53
17 CAG 不完全装具.可算能发个总结贴。 - 百度贴吧
包裹性 舒适度都得到大大提升,给个90分。 着重提到一下的 就是,之所以没上HIGH CUT 是因为 买不到原厂四孔。 还有GSGM那破天的价格就不说了,再就是根本买不到了。
Delta Force Loadout: Gear Selection and Total Costs
2021年6月26日 · Most commonly they are called Delta Force, but they are also known as CAG or Combat Applications Group. Those of you who are even more nerdy might know that they are also referred to as ACE (Army Compartmented Element), or Task Force Green, within JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command).
CAG during the 90s : r/JSOCarchive - Reddit
303 votes, 24 comments. 24K subscribers in the JSOCarchive community. A Subreddit Dedicated to American Special Mission Units and Tier 1 Units.
List Of All Nicolas Cage Movies, Ranked Best To Worst By Fans
5 天之前 · Discovering the best Nicolas Cage movies is a journey into the versatile repertoire of an exceptional actor. With a career spanning more than four decades, Cage has delivered thrilling performances in various genres, from action-packed blockbusters to heartfelt dramas.
Steam Workshop::Gear Collection / DELTA - Steam Community
2019年4月6日 · The Gear Collection / DELTA mod aims to bring timeline accurate and polished gear to Arma 3. This addon brings in gear used by CAG (Combat Applications Group) Delta during Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). Content Currently, this mod contains the following; - MSA TC2002 [BLK, TAN, OD, SPRAY] - ANVIS-10 Panoramic Night Vision Goggle (PNVG)
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