Welcome to the 91st Bomb Group!
The 91st Bomb Group Memorial Association's (BGMA) purpose is to keep alive the spirit of the 91st BG (H) and to maintain the fellowship of all those who fought together in WWII from AF …
91st Bombardment Group - Wikipedia
The 91st Bombardment Group (Heavy) was an air combat unit of the United States Army Air Forces during the Second World War.
Info about the 91st BG (H) - 91st Bomb Group (H)
On 7 November 1942, the first operational mission was carried out by the 91st Bombardment Group (H). The total effort was fifty-six (56) fortresses of which the Group supplied fourteen …
91st Bomb Group - American Air Museum
2023年5月18日 · The 91st Bomb Group, known more informally as "the Ragged Irregulars" and encompassing 322nd, 323rd, 324th and 401st Bomb Squadrons , flew 340 missions between …
Brief History of the 91st Bomb Group - 91st Bomb Group (H)
The 91st Group, an element of the Eighth Air Force, entered combat on 7 November, when it attacked submarine bases at Brest, France. In order to move the huge amounts of men, …
91st Bombardment Group - World War II - Army Air Forces - 8th …
On 11 Jan 1944 organizations of Eighth AF went into central Germany to attack vital aircraft factories; participating in this operation, the 91st group successfully bombed its targets in spite …
Thomas Smith, - WWII Serviceman - 91BG - 322
Thomas Smith, Thomas P Smith, Jr served his country in World War II. 91st (BG) Bombardment Group 322nd Missing Air Crew Report 1: 07898
Wee Willie and the photo that started it all | WW2 Research
Wee Willie was the second or third from last lost to the 91st durning [sic] WWII to be downed in action and was credited with 120 missions. Skunkface III was the last 91st B-17 lost, with the …
91st Bomb Group (H) - The Historical Marker Database
2009年12月4日 · Erected by 91st Bomb Group Memorial Association. Topics. This memorial is listed in these topic lists: Air & Space • War, World II. A significant historical date for this entry …
Photo History of the B-17 Flying Fortress - 91st Bomb Group
The photographs on the following pages can be downloaded by any visitor to the 91st Bomb Group (H) site. However, we ask that permission be formally requested via email to use any of …