Buying a 1992 RM250 - What do I need to know? - ThumperTalk
2010年4月11日 · My current 2006 RM250 recommends rings every 5 races and a new piston and rings every 10 races. Of course thats using OEM parts. I get about 50+hrs out of a Wiseco Piston and ring kit racing MX.
1992 RM250 Rebuild - Suzuki 2 Stroke - ThumperTalk
2009年10月11日 · Hello All-- I just picked up a 1992 RM250 as a project bike and I have some questions that I'm hoping I can get some expert advice and opinions on. It's been a long time since I've owned and worked on motorcycles, so I will really appreciate any and all opinions. 1. Overall--Is there anything I s...
What years fit this rm? - Suzuki 2 Stroke - ThumperTalk
2015年3月19日 · A couple of things to look for, KYB fork guards are attached by one pivot bolt at the bottom of the slider. 91 Showas have the guards attached by 2 bolts per leg. The Showas may have a small sticker on the back of the upper fork tube stating RM250 or 125. 92 Showas have a full coverage fork guard. Looking at your picture, I'd say you have the KYBs.
92 rm250 won't idle, idle adjusting screw does nothing. advice?
2007年8月26日 · Hi folks, My buddy's 92 rm250 is being a pain in the rear. It has a new top end and runs strong but won't idle at all. cold, hot doesn't matter, just dies. The idle adjusting screw doesn't seem to make any change to it at all. Is something else connected to that circuit that could be causing the ...
rich condition 92 RM 250 - Suzuki 2 Stroke - ThumperTalk
2009年12月17日 · A little history about the bike and where I ride. Bike is mostly stock with the acception of FMF head pipe and silencer, and boyesen power reeds. No after market rad valve. Stock carb and a fresh 2 ring wiseco pro lite top end. Everything was cleaned and reassembled per the factory service manual...
1992 rm250 exhaust issue - Suzuki 2 Stroke - ThumperTalk
2014年3月7日 · I have a 92 rm250 myself and got the same pro circuit silencer. It fit right on mine. Now I have a fmf fatty pipe on the bike! Only thing. I can think of is your head pipe ain't the original one or it won't work with the factory head pipe..
Rm250 - Vintage Dirt Bikes - ThumperTalk
2024年9月3日 · So I bought this 92 rm250 for 700 bucks. The exhaust gaskets on the expansion chamber are bad, gas tank leaks, and the carb leaks, and it will bog occasionally at 1/2-3/4 throttle but other than that runs amazing. I am having some problems finding parts. Can you guys help me find some or have any...
RMX250 - Vintage Dirt Bikes - ThumperTalk
2024年10月9日 · That RMX model differs in various ways from the more common RMX models which look more like the 89 to 92 RM250. You can see the rad guards on your bike wrap the entire tank like the 93-95 RMs. So, this means some further investigation needs done to ascertain exactly what you have.
1995 rm250 pipe on 92 rmx250? - Suzuki 2 Stroke - ThumperTalk
2008年12月15日 · All of my search term words; Any of my search term words; Find results in... Content titles and body; Content titles only
RMX/RM -exhaust compatibility? - Engine & Engine tuning
2021年1月26日 · The thing is awesome. Except it doesn't fit. The stinger on the 93 RMX pipe is too short. I read the '93 Enduro shootout in Dirt Rider and they mount an RM250 exhaust system too it. So I though it would be no issue. So does anyone here know what year RM250 silencer would fit the 1993-1998 RMX250 (U.S.).