Prime-Line 9202024 Wood Screws, Flat Head, Square Drive, #8 …
2018年6月16日 · Buy Prime-Line 9202024 Wood Screws, Flat Head, Square Drive, #8 X 3/4 in, Zinc Plated Steel (50 Pack): Wood Screws - Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases
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#8 x 3/4 in. Zinc Plated Steel Square Drive Flat Head Wood Screws …
These Wood Screws by Prime-Line Products are constructed of steel and come in a corrosion-resistant finish, enabling them to be used both indoors and out. The threads on wood screws are designed to pull two materials tightly together. Pre-drilling is sometimes necessary where hardwoods may split without a pilot hole to drive into.
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920 202 4 GOETZE ENGINE, HASTINGS PISTON RING | 9202024 in …
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Kolbenringsatz - 01208N0 MAHLE - 9158565, 9202021, 9202024
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920 202 4 GOETZE ENGINE, HASTINGS PISTON RING | 9202024 in …
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