- The 93PS provides significantly more in a smaller package, with a footprint of only 0.25 m² for the smaller frame (8-20 kW) and 0.36 m² for the large frame (8-40 kW) • Unity power factor (1.0) Maximum Availability • • Hot Swap and Hot Scalable - A module can be replaced while the other continues protecting
2019年10月5日 · UPS locks into double-conversion mode when three power line disturbances have forced the unit to double-conversion three times (user adjustable) within a one-hour period (user adjustable). UPS will stay on double-conversion for one hour (user adjustable), after which the unit will automatically return to operate on ESS.
Page 1 Eaton 93PS UPS Product Description Page 2-3 Eaton 93PS UPS 8 kW (including redundant (N+1) models) Page 4-5 Eaton 93PS UPS 10 kW (including redundant (N+1) models) Page 6-7 Eaton 93PS UPS 15 kW (including redundant (N+1) models) Page 8 Eaton 93PS UPS 20 kW (including redundant (N+1) models) Page 9 …
伊顿 91PS 和93PS UPS 系统是伊顿为中小型数据机房 ... - Eaton
伊顿 91ps 和93ps ups 系统是伊顿为中小型数据机房及其它关键应用系统提供高效、可靠、安全及灵活可扩展的电力保护方案设计的不间断电源保护系统。 已选下载文件 ( ) 共 20
本手册包含安装和维护UPS和电池时应遵守的重要说明。请在开始操作设备前阅读所有说明,并妥善保存此手 册,以备将来查询。 本产品适用于商业和工业环境,如用于C2类环境中,应采取附加措施进一步抑制电磁干扰。 © 2013 伊顿(Eaton) 公司 保留所有权利
伊顿 91PS 和 93PS 可以满足数据中心基础设施、轨道交通、医疗设备和工业自动化等领域的不同应用中,为用户关键电力设备电力系统保驾护航。 得益于伊顿的众多领先技术,我们以降低用户总体拥有成本为目标,为用户关键任务应用提供更高可用性。 在确保业务连续性的同时,优化用户的成本效益。 伊顿全球团队倾心打造,符合高可靠性军用级等级要求,所有零部件和系统在厂内制造、集成和预置并经过厂内的完整的预测试。 模块化、可扩展,支持按需扩容、边投资边成长,有效优化 …
伊顿 91PS & 93PS UPS-伊顿UPS电源-伊顿电源(中国)有限公司
伊顿 91ps 和93ps ups 系统是伊顿为中小型数据机房及其它关键应用系统提供高效、可靠、安全及灵活可扩展的电力保护方案设计的不间断电源保护系统。
2018年9月17日 · UPS locks into double-conversion mode when three power line disturbances have forced the unit to double-conversion three times (user adjustable) within a one-hour period (user adjustable).
Eaton 93PS UPS - Powerware - PDF Catalogs - DirectIndustry
Eaton 93PS UPS 8-40 kW Lowest total cost of ownership and maximum availability – taking scalability, resiliency, safety and efficiency to the next level. The most advanced UPS in its power range, the Eaton 93PS is ideal for small data centres and other mission critical applications where efficiency, reliability, safety and scalability are ...
Eaton 93PS Online UPS Series 40kVA | SecurePower.com
Within its power range, the Eaton 93PS series offers the lowest Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and highest availability. No matter how mission-critical your application is, the Eaton 91PS UPS gives you the power performance, scalability, reliability, and efficiency you need to keep your business running at a low cost.