I own a 94 BMW 325i that chronically leaks large ... - JustAnswer
Customer: I own a 94 BMW 325i that chronically leaks large quantities of oil. I can add oil and see it leak out in days. The car also burns oil (smokes) at a rapid rate. The oil light frequently …
BMW E36 Clutch Master Cylinder Q&A | Hydraulic System …
Have a 94 bmw 325i push in the cluch and will kill the ... - JustAnswer
Customer: have a 94 bmw 325i push in the cluch and will kill the engine oonly way o get in gear is to put it in before i start the car. any ideas
I have a 94 BMW 540i. Replaced a battery, the car would not start ...
Customer: I have a 94 BMW 540i. Replaced a battery, the car would not start. Replaced the onboard engine computer, still won't start. A mechanic plugged in a diagnostic computer, but …
94 BMW 318i no start no crank problem I try to start at starter and …
Customer: '94 BMW 318i no start no crank problem I try to start at starter and it starts but with ignition key on it doesn't run I checked from ignition switch BLK/YL wire while cranking and …
I have a 94 bmw 318i that idles realy rough at an idle ... - JustAnswer
Customer: i have a 94 bmw 318i that idles realy rough at an idle. when you give it a little gas it smoothes out. i just replaced the head also have no idea what is going on tripple checked the …
BMW E34 530i Q&A: Auto Transmission Issues | JustAnswer
Customer: '94 BMW 530i E34 with auto transmission issues. I've noted a slight oil leak (drip) that was believed to be engine oil, but now believe it is more likely to be ATF as engine oil has …
I have a 94 bmw 540i. I hear a howling noise whenever i
Customer: i have a 94 bmw 540i. I hear a howling noise whenever i come to a stop. also when i apply the breaks i feel a pulsating motion. what is this caused from?
I have a 94 bmw 325i convtable. My on board diagnoses is telling …
Customer: I have a 94 bmw 325i convtable. My on board diagnoses is telling me to check my br beaklight circut, but I bought the car used and have no manuel.can you help.p.s. all the lights …
I have a 94 bmw. i recently bought it about 4 mnths ago and now …
Customer: i have a 94 bmw. i recently bought it about 4 mnths ago and now after i drive the car for about 5 miles the motor or pulleys are making a squeeling noise but yet the pulleys are all …