I own a 94 BMW 325i that chronically leaks large ... - JustAnswer
Customer: I own a 94 BMW 325i that chronically leaks large quantities of oil. I can add oil and see it leak out in days. The car also burns oil (smokes) at a rapid rate. The oil light frequently comes on and a ticking sound is made, at which point I add more oil, only to have it leak again onto the concrete underneath the car in a matter of days. The car is infrequently driven (maybe once ...
BMW E36 Clutch Master Cylinder Q&A | Hydraulic System …
Have a 94 bmw 325i push in the cluch and will kill the ... - JustAnswer
Customer: have a 94 bmw 325i push in the cluch and will kill the engine oonly way o get in gear is to put it in before i start the car. any ideas
I have a 94 BMW 540i. Replaced a battery, the car would not start ...
Customer: I have a 94 BMW 540i. Replaced a battery, the car would not start. Replaced the onboard engine computer, still won't start. A mechanic plugged in a diagnostic computer, but couldn't communicate with either engine or tranny onboard computer. The engine turns, but doesn't start. Please help. Answered by Steve in 38 mins 14 years ago Steve BMW Expert 34,550 satisfied customers ...
94 BMW 318i no start no crank problem I try to start at starter and …
Customer: '94 BMW 318i no start no crank problem I try to start at starter and it starts but with ignition key on it doesn't run I checked from ignition switch BLK/YL wire while cranking and there is voltage while cranking now wire changes color to GRN/BLK and goes to immobilizer relay and there still voltage while cranking going in to pin #6 ...
I have a 94 bmw 318i that idles realy rough at an idle ... - JustAnswer
Customer: i have a 94 bmw 318i that idles realy rough at an idle. when you give it a little gas it smoothes out. i just replaced the head also have no idea what is going on tripple checked the timing, wires, vacuum lines. every thing looks good. can you help?
BMW E34 530i Q&A: Auto Transmission Issues | JustAnswer
Customer: '94 BMW 530i E34 with auto transmission issues. I've noted a slight oil leak (drip) that was believed to be engine oil, but now believe it is more likely to be ATF as engine oil has never gone down and now I'm beginning to experience some symptoms believed to be caused by low ATF in transmission. Have begun to see some lurching of transmission into 1st gear at cold startup or after ...
I have a 94 bmw 540i. I hear a howling noise whenever i
Customer: i have a 94 bmw 540i. I hear a howling noise whenever i come to a stop. also when i apply the breaks i feel a pulsating motion. what is this caused from?
I have a 94 bmw 325i convtable. My on board diagnoses is telling …
Customer: I have a 94 bmw 325i convtable. My on board diagnoses is telling me to check my br beaklight circut, but I bought the car used and have no manuel.can you help.p.s. all the lights are working even the breaklights
I have a 94 bmw. i recently bought it about 4 mnths ago and now …
Customer: i have a 94 bmw. i recently bought it about 4 mnths ago and now after i drive the car for about 5 miles the motor or pulleys are making a squeeling noise but yet the pulleys are all turning. can it be the bearings?