3M™ Double Coated Tape 9495LE | 3M United States
3M™ Double Coated Tape 9495LE is a 6.7 mil thick, clear tape that provides high bond strength to most surfaces, including many low surface energy (LSE) plastics such as polypropylene and powder coated paints. Use on low surface energy surfaces and as plastic extrusion attachment. It also improves handling and ease of die-cutting.
3M™ 双面聚酯胶带 9495LE, 305 毫米 X 54.8 米 | 3M官方网站 | 3M …
3M™ 9495LE双面胶带为大多数表面提供高粘接强度,包括聚丙烯和粉末涂层等多种低表面能塑料。 对于受到机械部件常用油轻微污染的表面,丙烯酸胶粘剂也可提供优异的粘附性。 获得有关3M粘接及装配产品问题的答案。 让我们一起工作! 3M产品不断发展,以更好地满足客户需求。 如果您需要为您的项目寻找合适的产品或您有关于3M解决方案的其他问题,敬请联系我们。 © 3M 2025. 版权所有 沪ICP备08026742号-1 沪公网安备31010502004501号 (沪)-非经营性-2019 …
3M™ 9495LE is a 170μm Double Coated Polyester Tape featuring 3M™ Type 300LSE Acrylic Adhesive. Performance features include superior adhesion to Polypropylene, great resistance to consumer chemicals and excellent holding
3M™ PET基材雙面膠帶 9495LE, 1372 mm x 55 m | 3M 臺灣
3m™ 9495le pet基材雙面膠帶使用3m™ 膠系300lse號壓克力膠,對於低表面能等如 pp 與粉體塗裝提供良好的接著強度。 規格 詳細訊息
3M9495LE - 百度百科
3M9495LE双面胶是 3M双面胶 中一款PET基材双面胶,属于3M300LSE系列双面胶,由透明PET双面涂布丙希酸胶制成,胶带颜色为透明。 在21℃和50%相对湿度条件下,原包装状态下自生产之日起保存期为24个月。 粘接强度随胶粘剂与被粘表面接触面积的增大而增加,施加稳定的压力有助于胶粘剂与被粘表面的接触,从而加大粘接强度。 要达到最佳的粘接效果,粘接表面必须是洁净、干燥的,胶带应用的最佳温度范围是21-38℃,建议若初始粘接温度低于10℃时,不适于粘 …
3MTM Double Coated Tape 9474LE features a dual liner for ease in selective die cutting. The bond strength of 3MTM Laminating Adhesive 300LSE increases as a function of time and temperature, and has very high initial adhesion. Foam to powder coated painted surfaces. Low surface energy plastic adhesion. Lens bonding applications.
Amazon.com: 3M 9495LE Adhesive Transfer Tape - 6 in. x 15 ft.
2012年4月27日 · 3M 9495LE Adhesive Transfer Tape is a permanent bonding solution to all kinds of bonding applications. From household to industrial and manufacturing, this insulating tape offers instant adhesion with clear surface appearance.
9495LE(300LSE)胶系双面胶带 - 米思米(misumi)官网
9495LE 3M | 胶带,粘合剂,材料 | DigiKey
来自 3M 的 9495LE – 双涂层,双面 带子 丙烯酸,300LSE 胶合剂 透明 8.50"(215.90mm)8 1/2" X 8.50"(215.90mm)8 1/2"。 DigiKey 提供数以百万计电子元器件的定价和供应信息。
9495LE-12-5 3M (TC) | 胶带,粘合剂,材料 | DigiKey
来自 3M (TC) 的 9495LE-12-5 – 双涂层,双面 带子 丙烯酸,300LSE 胶合剂 透明 12.00"(304.80mm) X 15'(4.6m)5 码。 DigiKey 提供数以百万计电子元器件的定价和供应信息。