Possible reclass to 94T. | RallyPoint
2014年5月9日 · Possible reclass to 94T.: Does anybody know anything about the MOS 94T, avenger system repairer? I have already spoke to the recruiter and have already looked up what the book says. I want to know how the soldiers in the boots feel about the MOS.
Can anyone give any insight on MOS 27D (preferably someone
2018年2月16日 · You will not die from a stroke by picking this MOS. Don't assume that your experience as paralegal in the Army will automatically translate into a civilian paralegal career. If you pick this MOS, I would recommend you pursue a career as a court reporter and a paralegal degree at college to make yourself more attractive to civilian employers.
Test Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE) …
Test Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE) Maintenance Support Specialist (94H): Learn and connect on RallyPoint
I'm about to start the process of reclassing to MOS 27D
2018年7月8日 · The MOS isn't just about Article 15s and prosecution, there's also Trial Defense (TDS), Legal Services(basically where you do Notaries, POAs, and admin stuff all day), you can also be a Tax Paralegal, Contract, and yes, a CJ Paralegal for the prosecutors...or you can be a combo of all the above, just depends on where you get sent.
Possible Reclass to 68B | RallyPoint
2016年1月4日 · Possible Reclass to 68B: I am looking into possibly reclassing into this mos or to 68L. Can I get some information on how long AIT is or just general info on things I should know about this mos before committing. Also what is the turnaround rate for the civilian side? Thanks so much. Kali Digenan SPC, USA
Is it possible to reclass before my contract ends? | RallyPoint
2018年7月18日 · (1) Administrative reclassification of an MOS— (a) For normal career progression. (b) Erroneously awarded entry on ERB. These entries will be deleted per AR 600–8–104. (c) Promotion to, or reduction from, grade that is …
Reclass to 68C - RallyPoint
2014年3月20日 · I spoke to my Battalion retention NCO in June, and she said they were short on 68C for E-4 and E-5, and they were offering bonuses for soldiers going into the MOS. It's a tough course, but a medical MOS offers a good chance on getting a job as a civilian, among other perks.
Is a transition & reclass to Reserves possible? | RallyPoint
2020年1月31日 · The most current list and rules went into effect 19 February 2019. The rules indicate that a "reduction in pay grade will not be considered, no exceptions." As far as vacancies by grade and MOS, there are no 68 series open in the grade of E-5. For E-6, 68W is available (with current licenses/certifications).
How do you write an enlisted Army MOS with your ASI and/or SQI?
2018年12月10日 · (1) First three characters. This is a three-character numeric-alpha combination that identifies the MOS without regard to level of skill. The first two characters relate to the MOS and do not identify the CMF of which the MOS is part of. (2) Fourth character. This is a number. With the first three char- acters, it shows skill and grade level in ...
Reclassed to a 68D and wondering if anyone can give some insight?
2020年8月6日 · I am currently an 88 series but recently reclassed as a 68D and leave for training in Feb-July. I have a few questions and thought this would be a place to start. 1. Will o be on Sam Houston for the entire training or will I be placed somewhere else for the clinical portion? 2. I am dual with two children so would I be in the barracks or would I …