Adopted by United Nations Member States in June 2021, alongside ambitious targets for primary prevention and supporting enablers, the 95–95–95 HIV testing, treatment and viral suppression targets aim to close gaps in HIV treatment coverage and outcomes in all sub-populations, age groups and geographic settings1.
Achieving the targets for societal enablers and integrated service delivery are critical to achieving the high coverage called for within the six areas of HIV service targets. Each of the three target areas defines packages of targets for people living with HIV and communities at risk that are tailored to their needs.
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95–95–95 testing and treatment targets achieved within all sub-populations and age groups. 95% of women of reproductive age have their HIV and sexual and reproductive health service needs met; 95% of pregnant and breastfeeding women living with HIV have suppressed viral loads; and 95% of HIV-exposed children are tested by 2025.
HIV testing services - World Health Organization (WHO)
The first of the United Nations’ 95-95-95 targets to end the HIV epidemic is for 95% of people living with HIV to know their HIV status by 2025. HIV testing is therefore essential to achieving “the first 95”. In 2020, around 16% of people living with HIV were unaware of their infection.
Understanding measures of progress towards the 95–95–95 HIV …
2024年3月11日 · Adopted by United Nations Member States in June 2021, alongside ambitious targets for primary prevention and supporting enablers, the 95–95–95 HIV testing, treatment and viral suppression targets aim to close gaps in HIV treatment coverage and outcomes in all sub-populations, age groups and geographic settings.
2024年12月22日 · 第三个95%——使95%接受治疗的感染者实现病毒载量抑制,是“艾滋病95-95-95”目标的最终愿景,也是实现全球艾滋病疫情根本性扭转的关键。 病毒载量抑制不仅意味着感染者健康状况的改善,更重要的是,它极大地降低了病毒传播的风险,为最终实现艾滋病零新增、零死亡、零歧视的目标奠定了坚实基础。 实现这一目标需要持续加强医疗体系建设,提升治疗依从性和监测效率,同时,社会层面的支持与教育也不可或缺,以消除偏见,促进感染者更好地融入 …
Achieving the 95 95 95 targets for all: A pathway to ending AIDS
In December 2020, UNAIDS released a new set of ambitious targets calling for 95% of all people living with HIV to know their HIV status, 95% of all people with diagnosed HIV infection to receive sustained antiretroviral therapy, and 95% of all people receiving antiretroviral therapy to have viral suppression by 2025.
Target VS per 95-95-95 is 86% * Receipt of HIV care is measured as ≥1 CD4 or VL test in 2022. https://www.who.int/images/default-source/departments/hiv/progress-towards-hiv-cascade-2022.png?sfvrsn=3a926b9e_4
Global HIV Programme - World Health Organization (WHO)
Testing and diagnostics are critical components of the United Nations’ 95-95-95 targets to end the HIV epidemic. Improving, scaling up, and introducing new innovations in HIV testing and diagnostics will increase access and improve care for people living with HIV to meet global treatment and prevention targets.
后艾滋时代:“95-95-95”目标下的全球版图 - 网易
2024年12月1日 · 为终结艾滋,联合国艾滋病规划署(UNAIDS)提出的“95-95-95”目标,旨在到 2025 年让95%的艾滋感染者知道自己的艾滋病毒状况,95%知道自己感染艾滋的人接受治疗,95%正在接受治疗的人得到病毒抑制。