幻想科普系列(二)频率骗局 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
最近很多不同赫兹的治愈音乐在网上传播,其中最广的流传是 963hz 、 741hz 、 639hz 、 528hz 、 432hz 、 417hz 、 285hz 等。 不明所以的朋友们在这些不同频率的音乐下发出各式各样的声音,可是有几个人真正的研究过这些频率真正的作用呢? 大都是从众心理,以为发出来的就是被验证有效的,殊不知很多频率背后都被掺杂了其他目的。 真正纯粹的频率确实是有治愈作用的,但是能够在市面上广为流传的却不一定如此,比如很多音乐长达几小时,有的人就在这几小时的倾听 …
The 10 Solfeggio Frequencies & Their Benefits - Vivify Tribe
More recently, 3 additional frequencies (174 Hz, 285 Hz, 963 Hz) were added on, using the same mathematical principles on which the original were based. Lastly, 432 Hz has also been added to the list, as it had been scientifically proven to induce positive physical effects on the body.
Online Frequency Generator | Healing Tones & Solfeggio …
The generator offers four main sections: Most Popular frequencies (including 432 Hz and 528 Hz), Solfeggio Frequencies (174 Hz to 963 Hz), Chakra Healing Frequencies (256 Hz to 484 Hz), and Standard 432 Hz Scale. Each section is color-coded and clearly labeled for easy navigation.
音乐真的可以影响我们的身体?432赫兹是科学还是伪论? - 知乎
432赫兹才是与宇宙最协调的频率! 近几年,科学家已经证实宇宙的振动本质,所有万物都有一种特定的振动频率,只要频率相近的人、事、物,就会互相吸引。
Frecuencia de Dios • Amor, dinero y milagros • Ley de atracción 963 …
1 天前 · "El universo está lleno de energía divina, esperando bendecirte con amor, dinero y milagros. 🌌 Al conectar con las poderosas vibraciones de 963 Hz y 432 Hz...
Why is 963 the God frequency? - Wellbeing Port
2023年5月1日 · What is the significance of the number 963 as the God frequency? 963 Hz, or the Frequency of the Gods, is a frequency that is commonly referred to as a pineal gland activator. It aids in the removal of brain fog and the improvement of clarity in our thought process.
963 Hz:探索“上帝频率”的神秘面纱 - 网易
2024年2月26日 · 963 Hz 是索尔菲乔音阶的一部分。 索尔菲乔音阶是一种由六个音符组成的音乐系统,每个音符都对应一个特定的频率。 这些音符分别是: 索尔菲乔音阶的历史可以追溯到公元 10 世纪,当时一位名叫 Guido d'Arezzo 的意大利僧侣,根据一首拉丁赞美诗的第一句,创造了这种音乐系统。 这首赞美诗的第一句是: Guido d'Arezzo 从每一行的第一个音节中提取了音符的名称,后来 UT 被改为 DO,LA 被增加了一个高音 SI,形成了现代的七音音阶。 但是,索尔菲 …
A Guide to 963 Hz - The Frequency of Higher Consciousness
2021年10月25日 · 963 Hz is the last and highest frequency on the Solfeggio scale. It is often referred to as the “God Frequency because it takes us to a higher plane of consciousness, where we can achieve Oneness with the Universe.
HZP (Hertz Player)
Convert any song from 440 Hz to Solfeggio frequencies tuning 528 Hz, 432 Hz and more! Control how music impacts your mood, body & mind! With HZP you can re-tune any song to any Solfeggio Frequency and the magical earth tone - 432 Hz without having to spend precious time downloading, sorting & converting files! Zero learning curve!
Solfeggio Frequencies - Download Royalty Free Music - TunePocket
2021年5月12日 · 9 solfeggio frequency tones (174 - 963 Hz) combined into one royalty free sound for healing or meditation video, relaxation vlog, alternative medicine therapy, and commercial business use. High quality 24 Bit / 48 kHz 5 min loop sample.
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