Level 974 - The Backrooms
Level 974 is a moderately sized (approximately 970 square foot) home, with pink theming throughout the interior. There appears to be no physical door leading to an outdoor area.
Level 974: A Child's Abnormality | Backrooms Wiki | Fandom
Level 974 is an expansive sky consisting of an undetermined, conceivably infinite amount of floating islands scattered around the sky. Each island bears a multitude of towns possessing a variety of sizes and structures; ranging from a single lonely house to an extensive town that stretches on for thousands of miles.
Level 974: - Backrooms Freewriting Wiki
Level 974, colloquially termed "Cluttered Corridors" or "Disorderly Corridors," comprises an indeterminate set of corridors taking superficially aleatory designs and architecture. Deeper inspections of the aforementioned "aleatory" designs show that corridors ostensibly adopt a vague and general styling reminiscent of that adapted by a set ...
【The Backrooms后室】Level 974 - “Kitty之家” - 哔哩哔哩
Level 974 是一栋中等大小的房屋,整个内部以粉红色为主题进行装饰。屋内看上去并不存在能够通往屋外的实体门扉,同时本层中的窗户只会显示出艺术画作,其内容描绘着人们在室内向外看时通常能看到的场景,但是进行了高度的“可爱化”。
Level 974.1 - The Backrooms
Level 974.1 is a sub level of Level 974 that can be accessed via a computer on the desk in the bedroom. Note: This level’s survival difficulty class can change to a class 3 with minimal entities if certain actions are done by the Wanderer, those being finding a semi-large quantity of ‘clues’ or entering the area known as “The Dwellings”.
【Backrooms 后室】level 974 Kitty之家【介绍】_哔哩哔哩bilibili
简介:backrooms 后室介绍 level 974【注:本故事;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 37258、弹幕量 243、点赞数 1435、投硬币枚数 100、收藏人数 223、转发人数 20, 视频作者 Gentry月半墙, 作者简介 小说作者,游戏up主。
Backrooms Level 974 (Found Footage) - YouTube
Backrooms found footage of Level 974 uncovers a terrifying threat roaming within the Backrooms.Join us in our exploration of Backrooms found footage as we de...
BWV 974 - Adagio Sheet music for Piano (Solo) - Musescore.com
2012年6月18日 · Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music of Concerto in D minor, BWV 974 - Johann Sebastian Bach for Concerto In D Minor, Bwv 974 by Johann Sebastian Bach arranged by Andre Laubner for Piano (Solo)
Level 974 "Kitty's House" - The MEG Database Wiki
Level 974 is a medium sized home consisting of; a master bedroom, normal sized bedroom, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen connected to the dining room, and a living room. The windows in Level 974 are painting of what you would see outside normally.
Level 974 - Backrooms Redacted Wiki
Level 974 is the 975th level in the Backrooms [REDACTED]. Level 974, also known as Kitty's House, is a small Hello Kitty-themed house. There are Hello Kitty posters, journals and plushies scattered around the house. When you enter the level, …