九九式艦上轟炸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
日本海軍在昭和14年 (1939年)12月16日決定由愛知勝出競標,並定名為 九九式艦上爆擊機一一型,型號為 D3A。 九九艦爆原型採用的是中島生產的光一型發動機,但動力潛能不足為不爭事實,量產型在海軍要求下更換為三菱的 金星四四型。
九九式舰上轰炸机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年6月29日 · 日本海军在昭和14年 (1939年)12月16日决定由爱知胜出竞标,并定名为 九九式舰上爆击机一一型,型号为 D3A。 九九舰爆原型采用的是中岛生产的光一型发动机,但动力潜能不足为不争事实,量产型在海军要求下更换为三菱的 金星四四型。
D3A, Val, type 99, Aichi, Shipborne Assault Dive Bomber, Japan
The D3A gained notoriety after the Japanese air raid on Pearl Harbor in December 1941. Double dive bomber type "99" company Aichi entered service in 1939. According to its scheme - a single-engine cantilever monoplane with a fixed landing gear, with an 1280 hp engine.
Aichi D3A "Val" - Naval Encyclopedia
2022年4月22日 · Superb colorization by irootoko Jr. of the D3A taking off from Akagi during the Indian Ocean raid. The Aichi D3A was innovative as being a cantilever monoplane, unlike the D1A/D2A “Susie” it replaced. It would be adopted in 1939, battle tested in China, and then produced three times more.
Aichi D3A - Wikipedia
The Aichi D3A (Navy designation " Type 99 Carrier Bomber "; Allied reporting name " Val ") [a] is a World War II carrier-borne dive bomber. It was the primary dive bomber of the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) and was involved in almost all IJN actions, including the attack on …
初时大杀四方,后期被无情吊打!有德国血统的爱知D3A俯冲轰炸 …
D3A俯冲式轰炸机作为太平洋战争期间日本联合舰队的主力舰载机,在开战初期其作战效率十分惊人,精准度极高; 在当时根据美国海军的估算,通常类似的轰炸机如果能够达到约10%的直接命中率以及10%次命中率即可视为此次作战行动中驾驶员表现极为优秀了。
空战兵器-浴火凤凰 - bikooo.com
99式舰载俯冲轰炸机 (D3A) (99舰爆)是日本帝国海军著名的轰炸机之一,自始至终参加了太平洋战争。 1937-38年间,爱知公司在双翼的94舰爆和96舰爆的基础上设计了该机,其设计特点是:下单翼、全金属结构、起落架有整流罩,要求载弹250公斤,俯冲的最终速度达到 ...
Aichi D3A2 Val Japanese World War II Naval Dive-Bomber
The Aichi D3A, Allied reporting name "Val" was a World War II carrier-borne dive bomber of the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN). It was the primary dive bomber in the Imperial Japanese Navy, and participated in almost all actions, including Pearl Harbor.
Aichi D3A Type 99 “Val” - Pacific Eagles
2015年8月6日 · When the Pacific War opened the D3A played a key role in the attack on Pearl Harbor, bombing the airfields of Oahu and helping to destroy the US Pacific Fleet. Throughout 1942 the Type 99 proved itself to be an effective naval dive bomber, as it sank more Allied warships than any other aircraft.
Aichi D3A - World War Photos
Together with the Type Zero fighter and the B5N the Kunbaku supported the successful advance of the Imperial Japanese Navy in the early stages of the Pacific War, and showed a high dive bombing hit rate in the Pearl Harbor attack and the Easter Sunday Raid. 78 D3A took part in the attack on the ships, and 78 bombs were dropped, of which it was ...