Multi-Pair Cable - 9841 - Belden
RS-485, POS; Computer communications; Low Voltage Analog Signals (4-20ma, 0-10v, ...); Low Voltage Digital Control (24v, …); Line Level Audio; Panel Wiring; serial communication (RS-485 standard) comprising of PLCs, VFDs, HMIs, motors, RTU, SCADA, etc. within noisy environments over long distance, etc. Nom. Velocity of Prop. Max. Current. Max.
9841 Technical Data Sheet - Belden
9841 Technical Data Sheet - Belden
Belden 9841 Multi-Conductor Low Capacitance Computer Cable …
2016年6月15日 · Belden 9841 Paired - Low Capacitance Computer Cable for EIA RS-485 Applications 24 AWG stranded (7x32) TC conductors, polyethylene insulation, twisted pairs, overall Beldfoilr (100% coverage) + TC braid shield (90% coverage), 24 AWG stranded TC drain wire, PVC jacket. Help others learn more about this product by uploading a video!
- 评论数: 3
9841 - Industrial Protocol / Data Bus Cable - Belden
9841 - RS485, 1 Pr #24 Str TC, PE Ins, OS+TC Brd, PVC Jkt, CM RS-485, 1 Pair 24AWG (7x32) Tinned Copper, PE Insulation, Overall Beldfoil®+Tinned Copper Braid(90%) Shield, PVC Outer Jacket, CM Request Quote Request Sample
9841 060100 Belden Inc. | 电缆,电线 | DigiKey
来自 Belden Inc. 的 9841 060100 – 2(1 对双绞线) 芯 多芯 线缆 铬 24 AWG 箔,编织线 100.0'(30.5m)。 DigiKey 提供数以百万计电子元器件的定价和供应信息。
RS-485, POS; Computer communications; Low Voltage Analog Signals (4-20ma, 0-10v, ...); Low Voltage Digital Control (24v, ...); Line Level Audio; Panel Wiring; serial communication (RS-485 standard) comprising of PLCs, VFDs, HMIs, motors, RTU, SCADA, etc. within noisy environments over long distance, etc. Nom. Velocity of Prop. Max. Current. Max.
百通BELDEN 9841 CanOpen/RS485总线电缆 HART9841 - 百度爱 …
型号:9841 阻抗:120Ω 该系列产品,含有四个规格, 一对两芯:9841 两对四芯:9842 三对六芯:9843 四对八芯:9844 百通9841,一对屏蔽双绞线, 导体直径为24awg,即0.22平方毫米, 铝箔缠绕屏蔽+镀锡铜网编织屏蔽,
belden百通9841, 一对屏蔽双绞线,导体直径为24AWG,即02平方毫米,100%铝箔屏蔽加镀银铜编织屏蔽,面向电磁环境复杂、温度变化范围大等工业环境设计,保证高可靠性的RS-485和DMX-512协议通讯数据的安全传输。
DEL-9841 060500 BELDEN, 多芯导线 300V | e络盟中国
购买 DEL-9841 060500 - BELDEN - 多芯导线 300V。 e络盟中国 专属优惠、当天发货、快速交付、海量库存、数据手册和技术支持。
Belden 9841 - 24 AWG 1 Pair - Shielded Low-Cap Computer Cable
Belden 9841 - 24 AWG stranded (7x32) TC conductors, polyethylene insulation, twisted pairs, overall Beldfoil® (100%coverage) + TC braid shield (90% coverage), 24 AWG stranded TC drain wire, PVC jacket. Spec Sheet. View Spec Sheet for Complete Details (PDF)
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