Multi-Pair Cable - 9842 - Belden
RS-485, POS; Computer communications; Low Voltage Analog Signals (4-20ma, 0-10v, ...); Low Voltage Digital Control (24v, …); Line Level Audio; Panel Wiring; serial communication (RS-485 standard) comprising of PLCs, VFDs, HMIs, motors, RTU, SCADA, etc. within noisy environments over long distance, etc. Nom. Velocity of Prop. Max. Current. Max.
RS-485, POS; Computer communications; Low Voltage Analog Signals (4-20ma, 0-10v, ...); Low Voltage Digital Control (24v, ...); Line Level Audio; Panel Wiring; serial communication (RS-485 standard) comprising of PLCs, VFDs, HMIs, motors, RTU, SCADA, etc. within noisy environments over long distance, etc. Nom. Velocity of Prop. Max. Current. Max.
9842 BELDEN, 电缆, 计算机, 屏蔽, 2对, 24 AWG, 0.2mm² | e络盟中国
9842 是一种多导体低电容计算机电缆,适用于 EIA RS485 应用。 该电缆通过了 UL 标准认证。 Farnell 保证在一份订单中最多提供两条带。 购买 9842 - BELDEN - 电缆, 计算机, 屏蔽, 2对, 24 AWG, 0.2mm²。 e络盟中国 专属优惠、当天发货、快速交付、海量库存、数据手册和技术支持。
多对绞线缆 - 9842
9842.001525 铬黄 : 线盘 : 1,525 m 8719605022998 9842 0605000 铬黄 : 线盘 : 5,000 ft 612825259558 9842 06010000 铬黄 : 线盘 : 10,000 ft ...
Belden 4芯2对屏蔽线 0.25 mm²双绞线 数据电缆, 9842系列, 24 …
Belden 4芯2对屏蔽线 0.25 mm²双绞线 数据电缆, 9842系列, 24 AWG, PVC铬护套
RS-485, POS; Computer communications; Low Voltage Analog Signals (4-20ma, 0-10v, ...); Low Voltage Digital Control (24v, ...); Line Level Audio; Panel Wiring; serial communication (RS-485 standard) comprising of PLCs, VFDs, HMIs, motors, RTU, SCADA, etc. within noisy environments over long distance, etc. Nom. Velocity of Prop. Max. Current.
Product users are responsible for determining the applicability of legislation and regulations based on their individual usage of the product. Belden declares this product to be in compliance with EU LVD (Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU).
Belden百通电缆 9842 RS485现场总线 24AWG DMX-512 现货
这是Belden百通电缆 9842 RS485现场总线 24AWG DMX-512 现货的详细页面。 品牌:百通/Belden,货号:9842,型号:9842 0601000,适用范围:通讯电缆,是否跨境出口专供货源:否,温度范围:-30°C ~ +80°C,最小包装数:305M/卷,应用领域:电工电气。
百通等效电缆9842 - 凯莱东尼|多对铝箔总屏蔽&铜丝编织总屏蔽电缆
多对铝箔总屏蔽&铜丝编织总屏蔽电缆-百通等效电缆9842 应用 该电缆由对绞线绞合成缆,外层为铝箔总屏蔽和铜丝编织总屏蔽,适合RS 485应用。
TLE9842-2QX_Infineon (英飞凌)_TLE9842-2QX中文资料_PDF手 …
TLE9842-2QX价格参考¥13.22。 下载TLE9842-2QX中文资料、引脚图、Datasheet数据手册,有单片机 (MCU/MPU/SOC)详细引脚图及功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
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