3M™ Nuisance Organic Vapour Respirator 9913, GP1, 90 ea/Case
Galvanised steel nose clip allows use in flammable atmosphere. Activated carbon layer reduces exposure to nuisance levels* of organic vapour and odour. Robust shell and cup design that is …
3M™ 活性碳口罩 9913, 單片包 | 3M 臺灣
產品亮點. 防粉塵、防臭氣,有效隔離有害物質; 紐澳認證 gp1等級; 用途:油漆、騎機車、噴灑農藥、清潔環境; 含特殊活性碳,可完全吸附有害物質
3M™ P1 含活性碳拋棄式防塵口罩 9913V, 10 個/盒, 6 盒/箱
P1 含活性碳拋棄式防塵口罩,具活性碳吸附層、柔軟材質、可調式鼻樑夾及專利過濾材製造。
3M™ Nuisance Organic Vapor Valved Respirator 9913V, 60 ea/Case
Get reliable and effective FFP1, FFP2, and FFP3 breathing protection against dusts, mists, organic vapours, acid gases, ozone (NPF 10) and hydrogen fluoride, with 3M™ Speciality …
【GP1等級】3M口罩 9913V 頭戴式碗型 有機溶劑口罩 呼吸閥款
3M 9913V效能口罩特性. 1.重量輕,碗型立體口罩。 2.活性炭層緩解異味,針對工作場所氣味防護。 3.GP1等級可用於防護低濃度農藥,油漆等環境。 4.專利靜電過濾材質與活性炭層,有效 …
• 3M™ 9913 and 3M™ 9913V respirators contain a galvanised steel noseclip suitable for use in underground coal mines and are 3M recommended for use against diesel particulate Materials
3M 9913 IN+ Mask (Pack of 10) - Amazon.in
10 Pcs x 3M 9913 Mask. Would you like to tell us about a lower price? What is in the box? Looking for specific info?
- 评论数: 21
3M 3M-9913IN Anti-Pollution with Carbon Filter 9913IN Mask …
Solimo offers a range of kitchenware, home furnishing, mobile accessories, appliances, home decor, backpacks, mattresses and much more. Shop now. This item: 3M 3M-9913IN Anti …
- 评论数: 54
*15-Pieces* 3M Particulate Respirator GP1 Protective Face Mask 9913 …
2024年5月6日 · Particulate Respirator GP1 Protective Face Mask. 3M Model# You Get 1 Box With 15 Masks Per Box.
3M™ 9913 Particulate Respirator, FFP1, Unvalved, Box Of 20
Get reliable and effective FFP1 breathing protection against dusts and mists, with 3M™ Speciality Particulate Respirator 9913. It features an activated carbon layer that provides relief against …