999 BSL
If you are NOT Deaf and have an emergency, please call 999 from a telephone.
Download - 999 BSL
999 BSL Emergency Video Relay Service is provided by Sign Language InteractionsSign Language Interactions
About - 999 BSL
999 BSL is the name of the UK’s first ever Emergency Video Relay Service in British Sign Language (BSL). The service is available to download as a smartphone app (iOS and Android) and access as a web-based platform.
999 BSL - Apps on Google Play
2024年10月8日 · 999 BSL is an emergency Video Relay Service, providing an on-demand remote service by fully qualified and registered British Sign Language interpreters. This service is aimed at...
999 BSL | Sky Accessibility
999 BSL is a completely free of charge service which allows you to contact the Police, Ambulance, Fire Brigade and Coastguard emergency services using BSL, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This service has been set up so that no deaf person will be excluded when they need to make an emergency call, therefore saving lives.
999 BSL – What you need to know about the new service
2022年6月8日 · What is 999 BSL? 999 BSL is a service that connects you to British Sign Language Interpreters remotely through an app or a web-based platform, who then will relay the conversation with the call handler and emergency authorities.
999 BSL - NHS Fife
What is 999 BSL? 999 BSL is a service that connects you to British Sign Language Interpreters remotely through an app or a web-based platform, who then will relay the conversation with the call handler and emergency authorities.
999 BSL: The new life-saving emergency app for BSL users
2022年6月8日 · What is 999 BSL? 999 BSL is a service that connects you to British Sign Language Interpreters remotely through an app or a web-based platform, who then will relay the conversation with the call handler and emergency authorities.
How to use 999 BSL
How to use 999 BSL. In three steps. 1 Open 999 BSL app 2 Press red button to call 3 Connect to a BSL interpreter. About; Abuse; Legal; Firewall; Download; Videos; Resources; Contact; 999 BSL Emergency Video Relay Service is provided by ...
The BSL interpreter will then call 999 and relay the conversation to you. The app and website will try to track your location so emergency services can know where you are and reach you quickly. You can choose to share your location in the app settings. Staffordshire Fire & Rescue offer support & guidance through our Community Advice Team.