Best 9GAG Posts - Reddit
The fact that 9GAG has to constantly steal content from other sites is only proof that 9GAG has the worst community ever. Even though 9GAG is the 268th most visited site on the planet their users cannot come up with their own funny content. 9GAG seems to be based upon the idea that the administration steals content from other sites,
9GAG "Repost Machine" Explained : r/9gag - Reddit
Here's some proof that 9GAG reads even tiny subreddits like r/9gag. They deleted the 9GAG account of this redditor shortly after he created his thread. Humans make mistakes, and 9GAG staff are only humans. Here is a post they accidentally uploaded on their Trending page. 9GAG users didn't understand the joke and their mistake went viral on ...
Why is 9gag hated on the all over the internet? : r/OutOfTheLoop
What I liked about 9gag (discovered it before Reddit) was the constant image scroll, where 20+ images are posted per page. The closest I can get with straight-up Reddit is my phone app, at one image a page, but easy scroll-thru. I miss having the constant scroll of 9gag, but I hate reposts, and 9gag's politics.
The state of the "Dark humor" section : r/9gag - Reddit
2019年12月15日 · 9gag is less funny but atleast the users aren't toxic sociopaths,wich makes it better than 4chan.And it's turning into a normie-dumb version of 4chan,9gaggers are extremely normie and ignorant,4chan alt-right propaganda made they think for themselves the first time in their lives and they are extremely stupid,easily manipulated by propaganda
Why has 9gag become so racist - Reddit
9gag is a sandbox for diverse groups to spread their own focused political propaganda. There are Ukrainian and Polish groups touching anti Russian propaganda - usually mocking Russian troops in Ukraine or gloating over their losses. Then there are Russian groups posing as disaffected Europeans pushing anti immigrant propaganda (Look!
r/funny - Reddit
r/funny: Reddit's largest humor depository. Memes of any sort are expressly forbidden. This includes any variety of memetic image or video format, any footage or photographs of memes in real-world or virtual settings (as with "challenges" and other imitated behaviors), and any derivation or adaptation of memetic content.
Alternative websites to 9gag? : r/9gag - Reddit
2022年5月23日 · r/memes is just repeating rhe same contentwe had in 9gag 5 years ago. hardly any creative content. r/dankmemes has fallen to the "downvote 4th comment" apeshit, half the memes are reflection mg on this happening. r/shitposting has my review in its title. r/comedyheaven is just a selection of "funny" twitter and web articles. hardly any proper ...
/r/9gag - Yesterday's frontpage.. today! - Reddit
I liked 9gag for easy entertainment, but the racist, right wing shit let me quit using it. So far I didn't find a site / subreddit that offered a similar combination of funny and interesting videos/memes/gifts and the occasional cute animal or other societal topic.
ELI5: What is so horrible about 9gag? : r/explainlikeimfive - Reddit
9gag is largely criticized by Redditors for being something of an inferior version of Reddit, and often gets flak for (1) the seemingly more immature userbase, and (2) stealing content from Reddit and reposting it with a 9gag watermark. The criticisms are sometimes true, sometimes not.
Goodbye 9GAG : r/9gag - Reddit
I've noticed 9GAG turning into a cesspool of extreme bigoted views, straight up genocidal maniacs, paramount racism, and it just became a breeding ground for women hating, Muslim hating, lgbtq hating incels that are angry at everything and pro-violence. I noticed it years ago, but just seeing how extreme it grows day by day is disgusting.