Recommendations for a Stock on a PTR 9KT - HKPRO Forums
2021年1月21日 · Sadly in a moment of weakness I sold the rig. Recently bought a PTR 9KT as I couldnt justify current market prices for another. I liked the B&T, but I always wanted an …
PTR 9kt Choate Stock Fitment - HKPRO Forums
2020年9月2日 · I recently picked up a Choate Side Folding stock for my PTR 9kt 603. I was able to get both push pins without any modification, but there is about a 1/8" gap between the back …
PTR-9KT Review (yet another) | HKPRO Forums
2019年3月6日 · Ok, here is my review of the new offering from PTR, the PTR-9KT. For those wanting to skip to the heart of the matter, I must have gotten a gun built on Tuesday, it …
Is there a co witness red dot for a PTR 9KT? | HKPRO Forums
2019年8月11日 · I am waiting on my stamp, and SHF KES stock to get back in stock for my PTR9KT. My next issue is trying to find a Co-witness capable red dot for the PTR 9KT. Does …
Picked up the PTR 9KT, stock questions | HKPRO Forums
2019年6月23日 · Hello all, the HK guys helped me decide between the sp5k and the 9KT. I plan to put in the efile form 1 this week. I am looking for the railed collapsable stock. Which specific …
Remington 1911 R1 $459, Canik TP9SF $248, Springfield...
Remington 1911 R1 $459, Canik TP9SF $248, Springfield Defender Mil Spec $479, GP Stribog $680, PTR 603 9KT $1650, KSG KS7 $495 Remington 1911 R1 $459...
Ptr 9ct which pistol brace? | HKPRO Forums
2020年7月25日 · Hello, I have a new ptr 9ct. I was attempting to install the sbt5ka brace but it doesn’t seem to fit. Did I get the wrong pistol brace? Thanks!
PTR 9KT Review... So Far | HKPRO Forums
2019年2月21日 · Just picked it up today at the local gun range. It came in a smaller box than the 9CT. Very nice and similar quality, if not identical in design and quality. Included two mags, …
9KT in stock @ Atlantic | HKPRO Forums
2019年2月15日 · Thus far we have had great success with the PTR 9KT pistols we have been testing @ our office .We have been running KATY with dirty steel cased Wolf in semi & full …
PTR 9KT Sig Romeo 4S red dot surprise - HKPRO Forums
2020年11月25日 · I've been thinking about a red dot for my 9kt. I really like my Sig Romeo 4S mounted and co-witnessed on my AR9. Took if off and snapped it on the 9kt with the QR latch. …