9M119 Svir/Refleks - Wikipedia
The 9K120 Svir, 9K119 Refleks, 9K119M Refleks-M (NATO reporting name AT-11 Sniper) [6] are laser beam riding, guided anti-tank missile systems developed in the Soviet Union. Both are designed to be fired from smoothbore 125 mm tank and anti-tank guns (2A45, 2A46 and 2A46M). The name Svir comes from the River Svir, while Refleks means reflex.
9M119反坦克導彈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
9M119M「殷鋼」反坦克導彈. 9M119M「殷鋼」(Invar)和9M119M1「殷鋼-M」(Invar-M)是由125毫米火炮所發射。它是由9Kh949彈射裝置所彈射,火箭發動機會在導彈離開炮管以後點火。通過彈鼻進氣口所收集的空氣用於提供動力以擺動控制翼片。
9M119反坦克导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2025年2月1日 · 9M119M“殷钢”反坦克导弹. 9M119M“殷钢”(Invar)和9M119M1“殷钢-M”(Invar-M)是由125毫米火炮所发射。它是由9Kh949弹射装置所弹射,火箭发动机会在导弹离开炮管以后点火。通过弹鼻进气口所收集的空气用于提供动力以摆动控制翼片。
次时代反坦克导弹——苏联第二代反坦克导弹大全(2) - 哔哩哔哩
在1992年与1990年代末推出了9m119m“因瓦尔”与9m119m1“因瓦尔m”两种改进型反坦克导弹。 9M119M安装了串联战斗部,可以击穿750mm装甲,而9M119M1则将破甲厚度提升到了900mm。
9M119反坦克導彈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
9M119M「殷鋼」反坦克導彈. 9M119M「殷鋼」(Invar)和9M119M1「殷鋼-M」(Invar-M)是由125毫米火炮所發射。它是由9Kh949彈射裝置所彈射,火箭發動機會在導彈離開炮管以後點火。通過彈鼻進氣口所收集的空氣用於提供動力以擺動控制翼片。
Manned Tank Arms System 9K119 (9K119M) Reflex - Missilery.info
The 9K119 "Reflex" guided weapon system is designed for effective firing from a cannon guided missiles at tanks and other armored targets of the enemy, as well as for firing at small targets (DOT, DZOT), from place and on the move at carrier …
9M119反坦克导弹 - 求闻百科,共笔求闻
9M119M“殷钢”反坦克导弹. 9M119M“殷钢”(Invar)和9M119M1“殷钢-M”(Invar-M)是由125毫米火炮所发射。它是由9Kh949弹射装置所弹射,火箭发动机会在导弹离开炮管以后点火。通过弹鼻进气口所收集的空气用于提供动力以摆动控制翼片。
9M119 Svir/Refleks | Military Wiki | Fandom
The 9M119 Svir and 9M119M Refleks are laser beam riding, guided anti-tank missiles developed in the former Soviet Union. The two missiles are similar, but vary in range and launch platform. Both are designed to be fired from smooth bore 125 …
9M119反坦克導彈 - Wikiwand
9M119M“殷钢”反坦克导弹. 9M119M“殷钢”(Invar)和9M119M1“殷钢-M”(Invar-M)是由125毫米火炮所发射。它是由9Kh949弹射装置所弹射,火箭发动机会在导弹离开炮管以后点火。通过弹鼻进气口所收集的空气用于提供动力以摆动控制翼片。
9M119 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The 9M119 Svir and 9M119M Refleks are laser beam riding, guided anti-tank missiles developed in the former Soviet Union. The two missiles are similar, but vary in range and launch platform. Both are designed to be fired from smooth bore 125 …
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