9M333 Guided Anti-Air Missile - Kalashnikov Group
Kalashnikov successfully finished testing of Guided surface-to-air Missile for Anti-missile defense STRELA 10M. Specifications, detailed capabilities, as well as photo and video materials for the 9M333 guided anti-air missile, designed to engage low-passing aircraft and helicopters in any season, as well as UAVs and cruise missiles.
9K35 Strela-10 - Wikipedia
The 9K35 Strela-10 (Russian: 9К35 «Стрела-10»; English: arrow) is a Soviet highly mobile, short-range surface-to-air missile system. It is visually aimed, and utilizes optical/ infrared-guidance.
9K35箭-10 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
9K35「箭-10」 (俄语: 9К35 «Стрела-10»)是一种高机动、光学瞄准、光学或红外制导,低空近程地对空导弹系统。 該系統主要用於對付低空威脅,例如直升機。 北约命名 为 SA-13「囊鼠」。 1969年7月24日,根據蘇共中央和蘇聯部長會議的決議,进行开发。 9K35 是9K31 Strela-1的後繼者,开发者是精密工程設計局。 1973年1月至1974年5月,Strela-10SV系統及其9M37飛彈於在Donguzkom靶場進行了測試,但結果令人失望:該系統被發現在飛彈殺傷機率、車輛可靠性 …
2022年2月23日 · 俄罗斯武装部队装备批用于“箭-10”(Strela)防空系统的升级版制导9M333导弹. 据比利时陆军认可网站2月21日消息,近日,俄罗斯武装部队装备批用于“箭-10”(Strela)防空系统的升级版制导9M333导弹。
Anti-aircraft missile 9M333. The future for the Strela-10 air defense ...
2020年12月28日 · The new 9M333 anti-aircraft guided missile for the Strela-10 air defense system has been successfully tested. Serial production has begun and the delivery of products to the troops is expected. Rocket and TPK at the exhibition Arsenals of the military air defense will soon be replenished with new ammunition.
9K35 Strela 10 (1975) - tank-afv.com
The 9M333 is the latest missile for the 9K35 system and is a further improvement of the 9M37MD. It features a dual mode seeker with photo contrast and passive infra-red guidance. The 9M333 has a much better resistance to flares and decoys and is able to lock on to smaller targets such as UAV's and cruise missiles.
Kalashnikov Ships Large Batch of 9M333 SAMs
The 9M333 is a high-precision surface-to-air missile used in the Strela-10M3 AA system. The missile is designed to engage low-passing targets in any season, as well as UAVs and cruise missiles, even with droppable, paradroppable, or modular …
Russia Replenishes 9M333 Missile Reserves for Strela-10M3 Air …
2024年5月29日 · The Russian Ground Forces continue to replenish their reserves of 9M333 anti-aircraft missiles for the Strela-10M3 air defense systems, thanks to the latest delivery by Kalashnikov. This was highlighted in a statement released by the state consortium Rostec on …
Anti-aircraft guided missile 9M333 - Missilery.info
The 9M333 anti-aircraft guided missile is part of the 9K35M3 system and is designed to engage low-flying aircraft and helicopters at any time of year in the application of dropped, parachuted and modulated organized optical interference, as well as remotely piloted aircraft (RAP) and …
Kalashnikov Ships Large Batch of 9M333 Missiles for Strela Anti ...
2024年5月25日 · Kalashnikov Concern has shipped a large batch of 9M333 anti-aircraft guided missiles for the Strela-10M3 anti-aircraft missile system as part of the 2024 state defense order. The 9M333 missile is designed to destroy low-flying targets under various jamming conditions, including remotely piloted aircraft and cruise missiles.