9K38 Igla - Wikipedia
The full-capability 9K38 Igla with its 9M39 missile was finally accepted into service in the Soviet Army in 1983.
The full-capability 9K38 Igla with its 9M39 missile was finally accepted into service in the Soviet Army in 1983. The main improvements over the Igla-1 included much improved resistance against flares and jamming, a more sensitive seeker, expanding forward-hemisphere engagement
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The full-capability 9K38 Igla with its 9M39 missile was finally accepted into service in the Soviet Army in 1983.
SA-18 Grouse Igla 9K38 - Army Recognition
Jan 15, 2025 · The 9M39 missile SA-18 employs an IR guidance system using proportional convergence logic. The new seeker offers better protection against electro-optical jammers; the probability of kill against an unprotected fighter is estimated at 30-48%, and the use of IRCM jammers only degrades this to 24-30%.
9K38針式防空飛彈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
全功能版9K38 Igla(北約 代號SA-18 Grouse)與9M39彈體於1983進入蘇軍服役,最大與精簡版不同是可以對抗許多反制的閃光彈和干擾絲,還有更靈敏的追蹤巡標感應器,半球型的鎖定範圍可以鎖住非線性飛行的機體(全方位能力),射程略為增加,更高貫穿力,速燃火箭有更高瞬間速度(與射程相符的前提之下),新式火藥可以使彈頭衝進目標後才引爆。 9M39飛彈同時使用無 …
Portable anti-aircraft missile system 9K38 "Igla" - Missilery.info
Miniature pulsed solid-fuel engines were installed in the rocket's steering section to ensure a postlaunch turnaround. In the combat unit 9M39 (similar to needle-1) explosive substance with increased blast effect was used.
9M39 Igla - War Thunder Wiki
The 9M39 Igla is a Soviet infrared homing air-to-air missile, it was introduced in Update 1.91 "Night Vision". This missile can sometimes feel lacklustre in the damage department, while it will score a kill most of the time, on not-so-rare occasions it will just critically damage the target due to its rather low explosive mass (530g).
9K38 Igla - Weaponsystems.net
The Igla features a dual channel passive infrared seeker that allows for an all aspect engagement of helicopters and aircraft. The 9M39 missile has a range of 5.2 km and ceiling of 3.5 km. The increased speed of the missile allows it to engage targets travelling just above Mach 1.
Munition, missile, 9M39 - Fenix Insight
The 9M39 (9М39) is a Soviet-era-developed, Russian Federation, infrared-guided, solid propellant-powered, (normally), short-range air-defence (SHROAD), surface-to-air missile (SAM). The 9M39 primarily forms part of the 9K38 (9К38) Igla (Игла, lit. 'Needle') man-portable air defence system (MANPADS).
Igla-S, Igla-1 – SA-16/18 - Defense Update:
Jul 23, 2007 · An improvement of the SA-18 is the Igla-1 (NATO Designation SA-16 Gimlet). This missile feattures a new seeker and modified launcher nose cover. Instead of the aerodynamic spike used in the 9M39 missile, the SA-16’s 9M310 missile uses an aerodynamic cone held in place with a wire tripod.