Hornady American Gunner Ammo review - Northeastshooters.com …
2012年8月1日 · The American gunner was 2 out of 20, a 10% failure rate, not good, especially for defense ammo that you may be betting your life on. I then tried the 9mm American Gunner ammo in my Kahr CW9. Again, out of one box (25 this time) I got 2 failure to fires, that's a 8% failure rate, totally unacceptable.
What brand of 9mm ammo is not "Plated", I've got a Ported barrel …
2015年12月26日 · dropped ina KKM non ported barrel this week so I am good to go with any ammo I like. after all of that I found the Aguila 124, the S&B 124 and the American Eagle 147, the 3 best shooting rounds out of this gun.
What is your opinion on New Republic ammo for training and …
2010年4月8日 · 9mm works fine, no issues. 380acp is filthy, used it 4 different guns. Cleaning the barrel back to where it’s clean takes me 30 minutes . Tried Hoppes bore cleaner, and boretech carbon cleaner. Soak 5 minutes, run the bronze brush, then a patch, rinse and repeat about 6-8 times. I’ll buy the 9mm again, zero fails. No cleaning issues.
Best Defense Ammo for Beretta 92FS? - Northeastshooters.com …
2009年10月20日 · The "standard" bullet weight for 9mm Luger is 124 grains. The lighter 115 grain loads are for plinking. The heavier 147 grain loads are the good ones for self defense, especially if you can find hollow points of any design, at that weight.
Has Anyone Used Federal Syntech 9mm Luger Ammo 150 Grain …
2012年7月21日 · My preferred cartridge for USPSA in 9mm (mostly I've used in p320 and s&w 929 with special moonclips from TK customs, but it did cycle my g17), and I use the 205gr .40 as well (glock 35-based). I intend to try it in my recently built 6" 9mm 1911, just haven't made it to the range at the same time as I've had 150s (if I think of it and notice ...
Winchester 9mm - did I get a bad box or does it suck?
2012年1月3日 · Just got back from a little practice at the range on a rainy night. On the plus side, my aim is getting better. On the down side, I got to practice a hell of a lot of malfunction clearing. I brought 2 50-count boxes of 9mm ammo with me - one was Winchester white box and the other was Blazer Brass. Both purchased locally and within the past ...
9mm frangible reloading - now with pics and range report
2008年8月8日 · FYI: Reloading data for my powder lists weights well below that used in normal 90 grain bullets in 9mm. I ended up with all three loads over the listed data for frangible but within the data for regular 90gr ammo.
Glock 9mms (G17/19/26) and 147 gr bullets
2005年4月29日 · My range ammo is all 115 or 124 FMJ blazer brass, Federal RTP, or American Egale and I have been happy with the results within 50 ft. I have also always had good results with Fiocchi 115/124. I have run out of ammo at the range and bought Aguilla and Sig 115gr and my groups all opened up like crazy. That shit is garbage.
Winchester white box ammo - is it normally this bad?
2012年1月3日 · I took along my SR9 to punch some holes in paper and brought with me the first few boxes of ammo I grabbed on the way out the door. One of said boxes was Winchester, standard 115gr 9mm target ammo, that I had picked up a couple of months ago as an 'always good to get more ammo' purchase when picking up other stuff. The rest was Blazer brass.
124 grain 9mm plus p and plus p plus ammo safe? | Page 2 ...
2016年7月28日 · Found this in the manual: AMMUNITION The RUGER® PC CARBINETM is chambered for, and designed to properly function with, only factory loaded 9mm Luger (Parabellum) standard, high velocity, or +P ammunition, manufactured to U.S. industry standards.