AUG - Steyr Arms USA
The iconic bullpup AUG has been one of the most recognizable rifles in the world since its adoption by the Austrian army in 1977 and is now used by international military units. Available in 5.56x45mm (.223 Rem.), .300 AAC Blackout, and 9x19mm.
Steyr AUG - Wikipedia
The Steyr AUG 9mm, also known as the AUG Para, is a submachine gun variant of the AUG chambered for the 9×19mm Parabellum cartridge and has been produced since 1988. [1]
步枪改冲锋枪,斯泰尔AUG 9毫米冲锋枪 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
冲锋枪采用9毫米口径,发射9毫米 帕拉贝鲁姆手枪弹 ,弹匣插口安装了适配器,以便于容纳尺寸更小的25或32发冲锋枪弹匣。冷锻成型的枪管采用了内膛镀铬技术,枪管可拆卸,长度16.5英寸(约419毫米),冲锋枪改用自由枪机,惯性闭锁,抛壳窗口在右,拥有全 ...
Steyr AUG 9mm ——〖枪炮世界〗
把弹匣适配器 安装在AUG的弹匣入口,就可以使用这种 9mm 弹匣了。 虽然正式名称为AUG- 9mm ,但有时也被人称为AUG伞兵冲锋枪 ( AUG-Para SMG )。 AUG- 9mm 目前被奥地利军方、警方所采用,另外美国、意大利、法国及其他一些国家中也有一些执法机构采用了AUG- 9mm 。
5,56×45 NATO / 1 in 9“ or 1 in 7“ Interchangeable, 382 mm (15“), 417 mm (16,4“), 508 mm (20“) with gas regulator and swing / pivot type barrel grip. Cold hammer forged. Chrome- lined bore including chamber. Detachable, synthetic (transparent) staggered box type. 9 rounds, 30 rounds, 42 rounds (optional) „Pull through“ trigger system.
斯泰爾AUG突擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
AUG Para(AUG SMG、AUG 9mm):1988年開始生產,採用9×19公釐帕拉貝倫彈的衝鋒槍版本,使用斯泰爾MPi 69衝鋒槍的彈匣供彈,運作方式是反沖作用,而非步槍的氣動式。
施泰尔AUG突击步枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年12月21日 · AUG Para(AUG SMG、AUG 9mm):1988年开始生产,采用9×19毫米帕拉贝鲁姆弹的冲锋枪版本,使用施泰尔MPi 69冲锋枪的弹匣供弹,运作方式是自由枪机,而非步枪的气动式。
AUG 9x19mm Police Training Kit 1:10 Twist Rate | Steyr Arms USA
The 9mm AUG Police training kit was developed to allow Austrian Police units to train with their AUG’s using 9mm ammunition while maintaining the same feel and manual of arms as their 5.56x45mm duty setups. Great for training, plinking, or defense, this kit is …
AUG Kits - Steyr Arms USA
The AUG 9mm Stock is a “standard” stock meaning that it will only accept Steyr MP88 adapters or waffle pattern magazines. This stock was specifically designed for the 9mm cartridge with a larger ejection port and hood for reliable case ejection.
AUG,世界十大名枪之一 - 哔哩哔哩
Steyr AUG 是一款由奥地利枪械制造商施泰尔-曼利夏于1977年推出的军用突击步枪,为史上首款获正式采用并大量装备的无托军用步枪。该枪最早于1978年被奥地利联邦军采纳为制式步枪,并将其命名为“StG 77”(Sturmgewehr 77;意为:77型突击步枪),后来也被多国的 ...