Pistol magazine orientation in belt mag holders. - FN Herstal …
2007年10月4日 · If I wear the mag pouch on my left side then the bullets are pointing to the rear. If the mags are on my right side they are pointing to the front. This way when I pull the mag out the bullets are facing away from me and can be slamed into the pistol.
Bullet Direction in Spare Magazine - Texas Gun Talk
2020年6月13日 · So when you retrieve your spare mag you can put your index finger on the bullet to ensure it is fully seated in the magazine. You then have to twist your hand to insert the magazine. If the magazine is facing away, the magazine is removed and then with an upward motion it is inserted with no further manipulation.
Carrying Mags- Bullets Forward or Backward | Defensive Carry
2009年8月21日 · Many people are trained to carry additional mags so the the bullets face forward. It seems to me that when bullets face backward the body mechanics are less awkward to reload. The natural arc of your arm will put the mag into correct position after every inverted draw.
Ammo case where bullets face down? - Brian Enos's Forums
2016年6月4日 · MTM 100-rd cases for 9mm/380 here, and I load "bullets down" in them. I've only once seen a guy fill it with bullets facing up, and he was a brand new reloader. Of all of the 100 round plastic cases, MTMs are superior to Dillon and everyone else's.
9mm bullets seating crooked - Brian Enos's Forums
2016年1月9日 · There should be a bulge in properly loaded 9mm. The cases are tapered so it's perfectly normal. Being off center is not normal but won't hurt anything. Do they pass the plunk test? This means will they drop in and out of your barrel with no hang up. If so they are fine until you can eventually figure out the culprit.
pistol magazine direction : r/3gun - Reddit
2018年2月13日 · Assuming the mag pouches are forward of midline, on the left (e.g. 10-11) they would be bullets facing right. IF they are closer to 9 o'clock then they would be facing forward so you can index off the top bullet. Some like them bullets facing out which still allows indexing.
Does this sound right...9mm bullet drop - Handgun Forum
2010年3月22日 · A 9mm Luger bullet, in 124 grain, fired at 1100 fps, will drop 3" below the level line of sight at 106 yards (MPBR). All other things being perfect, such as your sights and shooting ability, you should be able aim at the bulls eye, at 100 …
9mm Effective Range - Range Tests with Gel - AmmoMan.com
2022年8月31日 · A 9mm bullet can potentially cover up to three miles. At that range the bullet will not retain remotely sufficient kinetic energy to reliably incapacitate a human-size threat. And while a 9mm bullet may travel three miles under optimal conditions, whatever it actually hits at that distance is totally up to chance.
The Curious Case Of The Over-Penetrating Round | Gun Carrier
2019年6月17日 · The vast array of ammo makers, grain-size bullets, and designs make this the go-to round for many. There is one problem, however. The 9X19 cartridge or 9mm over-penetrates much farther than one hopes. The home defense ammo may maim an attacker, but it can also put innocent bystanders in danger.
9mm seater deforming bullet? - The Firearms Forum
2025年1月5日 · Berry's plated bullets are very soft and easily deformed. One solution is to make the stem fit the bullet by using a bit of epoxy or hot melt glue. I have done that on several RCBS dies. Another solution is to try seating stems made for different bullet shapes. You might find that the seating stem for a truncated cone bullet will work.