9P162 Kornet-T - Ground - War Thunder — official forum
2024年5月6日 · poll Kornet-T on display The 9P162 Kornet-T (“Cornet”), NATO-designation AT-14 “Spriggan”, is a Russian ATGM-carrier intentded to replace the ageing 9P148 Konkrus and 9P149 Shturm-S vehicles. History The initial Kornet-T prototype was completed in 2003 and the first batch of 20 production vehicles was delivered in 2012. The Kornet-T is Based on the BMP-3 AIFV chassis and it therefore ...
Ukraine Ground Forces Tree - War Thunder - Official Forum
2024年1月19日 · ATGM 9P149 “Sturm-S” at the disposal of the anti-tank battalion of the 3rd OShBr
Barrier-S Tank Destroyer: Breaking Barriers - War Thunder
2023年7月20日 · poll Barrier-S Tank Destroyer: Breaking Barriers Barrier-S during trials. Basic Description: The Barrier-S is a modified Shturm-S tank destroyer that is being developed and tested by DKKB Luch. The Shturm-S itself is a Soviet designed tank destroyer that fires the 9M114 Missile that was developed in in 1976 and adopted by the Soviet Army in 1979. The Shturm-S is based off of the MTLB Armored ...
List of Previously Suggested Ideas - U.S.S.R. Ground Forces
2023年6月18日 · A reference archive of previously suggested threads related to U.S.S.R. Ground Forces. This thread is a document for everyone to see and check before they create a double post on an already discussed idea. IMPORTANT: If you find something previously suggested/discussed that is not on this list and should be, please PM the Suggestion Moderators and let them know! To make is easier to find a ...
Ukraine Ground Forces Tree - #1466 by Sarmatiko - War Thunder
2024年1月18日 · You argue with another ussr fan “BuT KhArKoV wAs UsSr!”. That article clearly says that the first prototype was completed in 1992-1993 when ussr was already dissolved, but the nonsense still continues. Funny thing is, Russia has it’s own domestic prototypes that lost competition to 477: Obj 299 and Obj 187, but as always it’s easier to claim something that they don’t invented or ...
CAS and Helicopters vs SPAA - #47 - War Thunder
2023年10月5日 · Consider that SPAAs have to deal with 4km range missiles at 8.0, little shits in their mi4s can pretty much just hover in place until planes come in to clean up the scum. You could put mi4 to 10.0 and it would still only have to worry about other aircraft, it would affect it’s efficiency though as falangas are quite slow and most 10.0 ground vehicles are very fast. There is no real solution ...
CAS and Helicopters vs SPAA - War Thunder - Official Forum
2023年10月5日 · I agree in that matter cas is often a problem, i am just saying to not call out the Mi 24 when their is way worse cas options that are a bigger problem. Besides that it is hypocritical naming the german MI 24, when russia has kind of 3 flavors of it at 9.7 and everyone else has to deal with that somehow as well, stinger missles sure as hell dont reach that either
Planned Battle Rating changes (table updated 04.08.2023)
9P149 Shturm-S 8.3 → 9.0; The missiles are already very powerful at 8.3, they should definitely move up in BR as well. IT-1 8.3 → 8.7; Ditto. AFT09 8.7 → 9.0; Ditto with above. Such powerful missiles should not be facing early T-54 or M60 tanks. …