Warsaw Pact / Russian Air Defence Command Posts
The 9S457 family of mobile battery command posts was specifically developed for the PVO-SV S-300V SAM system. A modernised variant of this design is the 9S457M used with the S-300VM/Antey 2500. The design shares the tracked chassis with other battery elements, and uses a telescoping mast to maximise RF datalink coverage footprint.
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The 9S457-1 Command Post Vehicle is the command and control vehicle for the SA-12 system, which is supported by the BILL BOARD A surveillance radar and the HIGH SCREEN sector radar....
S-300V/VM / SA-12/23 Air Defence System Vehicles - Air Power …
Not only are the 9A82 and 9A83 TELARs and the 9A84 and 9A85 TEL/Transloader vehicles based on the 830, but also the 9S457 mobile command post, the 9S15 Bill Board acquisition radar, the 9S19 High Screen ABM early warning radar, and the 9S32 Grill Pan engagement radar.
俄罗斯现役陆基防空导弹系统 - 360doc
2023年9月29日 · 1)一套目标探测与指挥系统,由9S457指挥车、9S15全向监视雷达车和9S19扇区扫描雷达车组成。9S457指挥车最多能同时处理70个目标的信息。9S15全向监视雷达可为指挥车提供远程预警和至多200个目标数据,探测距离10~250km。
S-300V 9K81 Antey-300 SA-12 Gladiator - Army Recognition
2024年5月23日 · All range of S-300V 9K81 defense system vehicles is mounted on the full-tracked MT-T tractor chassis armored vehicle featuring high maneuverability and cross-country capability. They are also provided with stand-alone power supply systems and radio communication systems.
致命铁幕:俄罗斯S-300系列远程地对空导弹 - 网易
2019年7月11日 · 在作战时,s-300v先由两台预警雷达发现目标,传送给旅部9s457指挥车。然后使用9s32雷达持续跟踪目标,配合车载照射雷达对目标进行照射。最后由9s32发送操纵指令来引导导弹攻击目标。每台9s32雷达,最多可以引导12枚导弹打击6个目标。
S-300V / SA-12A GLADIATOR and SA-12B GIANT - GlobalSecurity.org
2019年4月8日 · The 9S457-1 Command Post Vehicle is the command and control vehicle for the SA-12 system, which is supported by the BILL BOARD A surveillance radar and the HIGH SCREEN sector radar.
Anti-aircraft missile system S-300V | Air defense - Military Review
2025年1月24日 · KP 9S457M provides automated control of the combat operation of all air defense systems operating as part of a single system, analysis of the air situation and the identification of the most dangerous targets, their distribution between fire weapons, the issuance of target designations to the MSNR of complexes and commands for the destruction of...
俄罗斯S-400V防空导弹系统实装演练 指挥车神秘内部照片曝光
2020年2月3日 · 9s457-1是导弹营指挥中心,最多可以指挥4个发射连,共24辆发射车。 接收上级和预警卫星的预警信息,同时还接收两部搜索雷达的信息,自动监视目标飞行航迹,并确定目标类型,为发射连提供目标优先等级的建议,把目标分配给相应发射连的制导站。
С-300В : USSR / Successional Countries USSR (SOV)
The command post 9S457-1 is used to coordinate the operation of the system. It can intercept up to 200 targets, track 70, and can allocate 24 targets to individual launchers simultaneously.