p230 "9mm Police" - SIG Talk
2015年7月24日 · 9mm Police/Ultra is 9 X 18, 9mm Kurtz (380 ACP) is 9 X 17. The 380 ACP mag might work in this application, maybe not. The bigger challenge is the fact the OP is in Chili. …
My P230 collection of all three calibers - SIG Talk
2020年2月23日 · Here is my SIG P230 collection. From top to bottom are examples chambered in 9 mm Police (9x18 Ultra), 9 kurz (.380), and 7.65 (.32). I have boxes and two magazines for …
New to me 1977 P230 in 9mm Police - SIG Talk
2021年5月4日 · Thank you. Yes, it is one of the actual factory "9mm Police" caliber pistols. I have seen this schematic which helped clear up some misinformation out there, but also led to …
Sig Sauer P230 - SIG Talk
2021年11月22日 · I bought this small and cheap ($ 490) Sig Sauer P230 to add to my Lausanne, Vaud police accumulation (I already have a P210-3, P220 and a S&W 39-2 which are police …
What ammo do Euro Police use? | SIG Talk
2017年4月20日 · That's a good question - I did a quick search and couldn't find anything recent other than 9x18 is favoured and that HK, Sig Sauer and Glock are leading producers, …
Used to weird stuff, but a P230 in 9mm Ultra might be...
2019年7月21日 · Not until I took a second look and decided to look up the 9mm police marking to get an idea of the age did I realize it was a different caliber. I started the google search …
Bullets! - SIG Talk
2015年5月24日 · SigTalk is a forum community dedicated to SIG Sauer enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about Sig Sauer pistols and rifles, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, …
Sig Sauer P230 | Page 2 - SIG Talk
2021年11月22日 · I bought this small and cheap ($ 490) Sig Sauer P230 to add to my Lausanne, Vaud police accumulation (I already have a P210-3, P220 and a S&W 39-2 which are... in this …
P210-4 | Page 2 - SIG Talk
2013年7月19日 · I verified in the book "Beschusszeichen" from G. Wirnsberger and the law first was issued in 1891, then in 1914 and the still valid law in 1939 (!). It's clearly mentioned that …
P210-4 | SIG Talk
2020年10月23日 · Just bought one of my Grail guns, a 1951 D-prefix, for the Bundesgrenzschutz. Comes with one magazine. I want a second to fill the holster pouch. Are these the same as …