9X18 vs 9X19 Which 9mm Round is the Best? - Exoc Tactical
2021年12月20日 · Though 9X18 and 9X19 rounds are both 9mm, they are not the same and are sometimes confusing to those less familiar with firearms. In this article, we will give you a brief …
9mm Makarov vs 9mm Luger: The 9mm Cartridge Cold War
In this article, we will evaluate the 9x18 vs 9x19 to help you understand the differences between the two and give you a clearer understanding of which cartridge is best for your shooting …
9x18 vs 9x19 - Makarov versus Luger - The Lodge at AmmoToGo.com
2020年6月23日 · By the numbers in their names alone, the 9x18mm Makarov and the 9x19mm Parabellum (aka 9mm Luger, or simply 9mm) seem nearly identical. They are in fact very …
9乘19手枪弹和俄罗斯9乘18手枪弹有啥区别? - 新浪看点
子弹的标号9x19指的是口径是9毫米,弹壳的长度是19毫米,并不是说子弹的整体长度或者弹头长度是19毫米。同理9x18、9x17都是指口径和弹壳长度。 同理9X18、9X17都是指口径和弹壳 …
子弹的标号9X19指的是口径是9毫米,弹壳的长度是19毫米,并不是说子弹的整体长度或者弹头长度是19毫米。同理9X18、9X17都是指口径和弹壳长度。所以9X19mm的子弹看起来要比9X18 …
9mm Makarov vs. 9mm Luger - Caliber Comparison
2022年12月20日 · To help prevent this mistake, we’re breaking down the differences between the 9mm Makarov vs. 9mm Luger. The 9x18mm Makarov and 9mm Luger are not …
9x17, 9x18, 9x19 - The Firing Line Forums
2016年5月13日 · 9x18 refers to one of two dissimilar cartridges. The most common is 9mm Makarov, a cartridge developed by the Soviets shortly after WWII for use in their new PM (for …
9x19 v s9x18 Any difference? - The Firing Line Forums
2013年7月29日 · The most common is 9x18 Makarov, developed for the Russian pistol named for its designer. It is too large in diameter to enter a 9x19 chamber. The other is the 9x18 Ultra, …
9x18 Vs 9x19 - Handgun Ammo
9X18 is much closer to.380/9X17 than it is to 9mm Luger/9X19 Actually, it's quite a bit hotter than.380 Pretty much all the American ammo companies load the.380 and the 9mmMak to …
9x18 vs 9x19 - The Firing Line Forums
2002年7月15日 · Can someone provide some good comparison info on ballistics between the 9x18 mm Makarov round vs. the 9x19 mm Luger? I'm trying to get a good understanding of …