Factory 9x23 pistols available? - 1911Forum
2006年4月16日 · Lots of guys use rifle primers to reload 9x23 because of the pressures. I have a 9x23 built up by EGW that runs like a house on fire. Fully supported barrel. I run factory and reloads with no worries in this gun. I also run 9x23 factory loads and reloads through a conventionally barrelled Colt 38 super.
Reloading for 9x23 - 1911Forum
2008年9月1日 · Good lord, that will be easy to come up with functioning Minor 125 PF loads (no reason for full-house 1400+ fps 9x23 loads in IDPA), and one might even need a standard 14 lb recoil spring for those.... We used 5.5 gr of Unique in .38 Super cases under a 125/130 gr FMJ for light plinking/Minor loads, which would be MORE than safe in a 9x23 Win case!
9x23 Winchester - 1911 Firearm Addicts
2023年4月4日 · 9x23 self defense ammo is limited but you could have a 9x23 and 9mm. 38 super is popular but the 9x23 seems to out perform it. Jim Garthwaite was a big believer in 9x23. Reactions: 45Shooter2 and Busa Dave
38 Super vs. 9x23 - 1911Forum
2001年5月21日 · Dimensionally the 9x23 is quite like the .38 super but the 9x23 case is built with a stronger web and thicker walls. The 9x23 will send a 125 gr bullet down range at 1,500 + fps. I think that there is more potential in what you can do with the loads in a 9x23 vs. .38 super. Check out Dane Burns web site he is supposed to know alot about the 9x23.
9x23 dies? or will 9x19 dies work - 1911Forum
2012年6月6日 · I have Hornady 9x19 and Hornady 9x23 die sets. The only difference is the sizing die. The 9x19 sizing dies size the brass outside diameter down 0.002" to 0.003" more than the 9x23 sizing die. If you don't mind the coke bottle look, then the …
1911 to 9x23 Winchester - 1911Forum
2022年9月6日 · I have considered that but the 9x23 is a very high-pressure round, 50,000 psi. I don't think the 1911 platform would take that for very long. I have a 38 Super, 36,000 psi, that is pretty damn close . The 9x23 is a bit longer than a 38 Super but the 9x23 might fit the 38 Super magazine, that would be the catch if it didn't.
9x23,.38 super, .357 sig, .356 TSW, 9x21 | 1911Forum
2009年4月4日 · Load data is kinda scarce for 9x23 (worse for 9x21 and 356TSW). 357Sig data is more plentiful. 38 Super data is published everywhere. Max pressure for 9x23 is something like 46k (that's the max load data shown by Hodgdon, someone else might know the actual MAP number) which is far above the others. 38Sup is the lowest and 357Sig in between.
Colt MK IV Series 80 in 9x23 Winchester - 1911Forum
2024年4月15日 · My CCO in 9x23 feels like the perfect 1911 for concealed carry to me. Despite the officers frame, a Tripp .38 Super magazine holds 8 rounds. The 4” barrel is long enough for a decent sight radius. With an aluminum frame it weighs a couple ounces more than my P365 XL (Both fully loaded).
9X23 or 38 Super - 1911Forum
2020年4月25日 · 9x23 is a lot bit hotter, if you mean 9x23 WIN, as opposed to something like Starline's "9 Super Comp", or whatever thy now call their rimless 9x23 case. I can still find lots of .38 Super brass at the range, just waiting to be picked-up, …
9x23 loads - 1911Forum
2018年1月21日 · 9x23 largo brass measures correctly but is not as strong as either of the above. This is consistent throughout the internet. So far I have only used Winchester brass for my experimentation. I will at some point try the Starline brass. All of the factory 9x23 ammunition I have at home is hollow point 124 grain JHP so I am making my reloads to match.