YoRHa No.9 Type S - NIER Wiki
According to the Automata Concert Script 5 "Farewell" the epilogue for Route E's ending, it is revealed that 2B and 9S have been completely reconstructed by Pod 153 and Pod 042. 2B is able to reboot normally but 9S is unable to be reactivated because his memory has become corrupted, with the data unable to be recovered. 2B decides to search for ...
Pod 153 - NIER Wiki
Pod 153, similar to Pod 042, is a tactical support unit in NieR:Automata commonly assigned to YoRHa soldiers. They are mainly loaded with various weapons for long-ranged attacks, and display correspondence from Command as well as exchange operational intelligence between units. Pod 153 supports 9S, and is black with red coloring.
辅助机042/153 | 尼爾自動人形 Wiki | Fandom
辅助机042(Pod 042)和辅助机153 (Pod 153)是尼尔:自动人形中寄叶部队标配的随行战术装备。 他们装载了大量远程广范围攻击武器,可以协助作战。
Yorha 9S | Nier Automata Wiki
2024年10月31日 · Instead of a pat on the head, 9S will do a fist bump with Pod 153 if you rub the touch pad. Like 2B and A2, part of 9S's clothing will be destroyed after you initiate self-destruct (mostly his pants). The secret trophy: Not That I Mind... is unlocked by playing 1 hour as 9S without his pants.
首先要在技能-辅助机程序中设置好扫描仪,然后再按1才有效。 我也是找了半天,然后满地图找,后见又回来找。 9S怎么找? 根本找不..任务没有提示,POD技能怎么用,我是PC版的,该按那个键? 这个9S就会添麻烦,我按了1键咋没反应哦。 我忘记杀BOSS的路啊,又没有提示,折腾了 …
《尼尔机械纪元》全POD收集图文攻略-游民星空 GamerSky.com
2017年2月27日 · 除了最基本的弹幕形态外,辅助机器人POD还有另外2个攻击形态:B、C。 村子最底层下图位置与士兵对话开启任务,前往工場廃墟收集1个「精巧な機械」,给他后任务更新。 到达提示区域,注意这里需要开启POD的搜索模式,才能找到失踪的人,找到后剧情完成任务获得部件A080:ウェーブ。 前往沙漠据点,对话后,走到提示点,推箱子到达仓库工位置,对话后一起出来完成任务。 楼顶上屋子内与男士兵对话开启任务,随后前往3个提示区域消灭敌人,最 …
Pods - Nier Automata Wiki
2023年1月8日 · Pods in NieR: Automata are small robots that follow your main Character and provide supportive assistance. Pods are extremely useful in combat as they can be used for hanging, to allow the player to jump higher, or glide across large distances. You can also attack while gliding to attack larger enemies.
Pod 153 - Nier Automata Wiki
2023年1月8日 · Find information on all Pod 153 interactions, services or related quests below or view NPCs to view a list of all available NPCs in the game. Pod 153 promisses to protect YoRHa unit 9S in any situation
【尼尔:机械纪元】dlc芯片/武器选择/POD技能实用技巧【单机游 …
这里特别提一下物理防御盾,可以完美防御自爆机器人的攻击。 非常强力。 再推荐一个非常好用的PoD技能,就是减速罩,特别是boss战起手时,可以无脑打好几套连招,非常强力!推荐!
《尼尔机械纪元》全收集攻略 武器、芯片、POD全收集攻略指南…
2017年8月23日 · ⑦完成前置任务「艾米尔的回忆」后操作9S来到艾米尔的住处,从下图画红圈处进入,进去之后可以乘坐2个电梯直达底层,也可以从最上面跳下去。