双元音/aʊ/ (au)的发音方法
现在来看看我们应该如何正确的发出 /aʊ/ 这个音。 1)学习该音发音方法请先学习 /ɑː/ 和 /ʊ/ 这两个单元音。 2)嘴巴放松张大,嘴唇向两侧分开。 舌身放平,舌尖轻抵下齿,发 /ɑː/。 3)然后嘴巴收圆合拢。 舌尖离开下齿,舌身后缩,舌后部身软颚抬起,发音慢慢滑向 /ʊ/。 注意: /aʊ/ 是个"开合双元音",发音时口形由大变为小。 音量由强到弱,由长到短,由清晰到含糊。 下面列出发 /aʊ/ 音的字母或字母组合的单词,多听发音并练习。 a、发 /aʊ/ 音的常见字母组合有ou,ow,例 …
Examples of the Vowel [ aʊ ] - University of California, Berkeley
Whole phrase now mind you if you're doing that anytime during the day that won't happen because you've got cars all around you but at night it's pretty fun and you just floor it and fly right through the middle of down town
aʊ Sound: How to Pronounce the Diphthong aʊ (/aʊ/ Phoneme)
2021年9月3日 · The aʊ sound is a combination of /æ/ and /ʊ/ or /u:/. Like vowels the diphthongs are all made through the mouth and are voiced which means that you vibrate your vocal chords to make the sound. Unlike with vowels and consonants, when you pronounce a diphthong sound, your mouth will change position and shape as you say the sound, because they ...
元音 /aʊ/ 的发音和技巧 - LetMeEnglish.com
如何发/aʊ/这个音. 首先张大嘴巴发 /ɑ/ 音,然后逐渐过渡到 /ʊ/ 音,将嘴巴稍微闭合。 最常见的带/aʊ/音的拼写 /aʊ/ 音通常由以下字母或字母组合表示: OU : ou t / aʊ t/ – 外面. OW: d ow n /d aʊ n/ – 向下. 练习:带/aʊ/音的常见单字. out – /aʊt/ 出,外面; about ...
The /aʊ/ Sound - YouTube
2015年1月30日 · This is the /aʊ/ Sound. /aʊ/ is a diphthong sound which means it is a combination of two vowel sounds that are pronounced within the same syllable. The /aʊ/ sound is a combination of /æ/ and...
/ɑʊ/ - tfcs.baruch.cuny.edu
/ɑʊ/ is a diphthong, which is like a combination of two different vowel sounds. To begin, place your tongue low in your mouth, and shifted toward the back, to say. /ɑ/. Then, as you vibrate your vocal cords, lift your tongue high in the mouth, but keep it shifted toward the back, to say /ʊ/.
/aʊ/ - The Sound of English
Previous & Next Lessons Related Lessons. Diphthong Vowel Word Construction . Previous & Next Lessons Related Lessons
[英语音标] 双元音/aʊ/ - 哔哩哔哩
这次英语兔我来讲一讲英语DJ音标中的/aʊ/这个音. DJ音标是使用最广泛的音标 (详见www.YingYuTu.com/dj).
BBC发音小课堂(十三)双元音/aʊ/和/əʊ/ - Chinadaily.com.cn
2022年9月29日 · 英语双元音的一个发音特点是在发音过程中口型的变化。单词“loud”中的/aʊ/和“load”中的/əʊ/应怎么读?本期“BBC发音小课堂”教你双元音/aʊ/和/əʊ/的发音要领。 (来源:BBC英语教学 编辑:yaning)
Vowel sound /aʊ/ as in "cloud" | American English pronunciation
Learn how to pronounce the American diphthong /aʊ/, with audio examples, in-depth instructions, practice exercises, and videos.