The Community Repo for A-4E-C and its Official Submods
The A-4 was a cold war workhorse which proved to be a capable, reliable light attack aircraft to dozens of nations around the world. From the jungles of southeast Asia, to the desert of Sinai, to the coasts of South America, the scooter was a common sight above battlefields around the world for decades. Hello, A-4E-C pilots! We hope you are well.
Releases · Community-A-4E/community-a4e-c - GitHub
2023年10月27日 · This new version adds some exciting features like new damage effects, ADF, improved radios and new nosewheel castering simulation. This version of the A-4E-C requires DCS version 2.9, which as of release, is only available on the OpenBeta branch of DCS World.
A-4E-C冷启动检查单 | 猫猫ATC - 模拟飞行中文站
2023年8月3日 · 在电子对抗上,A-4E-C模组实现了箔条、热诱弹和“RWR”,ECM面板是无功能的。 为了防止被导弹撅爆,你需要开启: 在大致相同的位置,将雷达告警面板上的 APR-25和APR-27 打开,并将旋钮调节至 REC,然后适当调节音量。 额。 A-4E的差动刹车极为反人类。 慢慢适应吧,在游戏设置里可以调成简单一点的模式; 最后,油门推满,去拥抱蓝天和河内上空的炮火吧。 从学习冷启动开始入门(弃疗)A-4E!
DCS - A-4E-C v2.0.1 Mod - 飞行宝
2022年10月27日 · a-4e-c 现在可以由许多新国家操作。 涂装已被编辑以匹配,例如,马来西亚与 TUDM 涂装相匹配。 几个新的单输入(瞬时)绑定,以及 AFCS 航向选择拉到设置旋钮的连续输入。
Community A-4E Project | The Community Repo for A-4E-C and …
Our last update, A-4E-C 2.0.1, is not compatible with DCS versions after The most common effects of these incompatibilities are client-side crashes. Always ensure servers, clients, and DCS versions employed are the most compatible options available!
heclak/community-a4e-test - GitHub
The Community A-4E-C represents more than three years of work on behalf of the development team. We’re proud to present the most comprehensive DCS World module to date, boasting such capabilities as air-to-ground radar and carrier operations.
DCS:A-4E 社区 MOD 已发布1.4-beta 1版 - 哔哩哔哩
修正了a-4e-c任务自动加载简报地图的问题; 为了声音不影响其他模组的声音,重新构造了声音文件夹; 修改了驾驶舱的损伤,已解决dcs认为飞机已经死亡,但飞行员仍然活着的问题; 修复了当打开红色泛光灯时会呈现出最大亮度的问题
A-4E-C v2.0 is here! : r/hoggit - Reddit
We're thrilled to share our most comprehensive DCS World module to date in this 2.0 "Forever Free" update, featuring a realistic flight model, improved systems simulations, increased functionality across all DCS World's available maps, full carrier compatibility, radios, air refueling, and improvements to the ground radar, sound feedback, textur...
DCS: A-4E-C社区插件现已发布 - 哔哩哔哩
经过7位成员三年的开发,HoggitDev团队今天发布了他们的A-4E社区插件。 成员名单: [Gosapadin] Gyrovague Plusnine Kryb Merker Jones Farlander Dr. Manius 特点: 对地雷达 百舌鸟反辐射导弹 航母起降 Plusnine制作的主题音乐 新武器!
A-4E Community Guide | PDF | Aircraft | Flap (Aeronautics) - Scribd
This document provides information about operating the A-4E-C aircraft, including startup procedures, flight controls, weapons systems, automatic flight control system modes, and carrier operations. It includes diagrams of the instrument panel and control switches, checklists for takeoff and landing, and notes on flying and operating the aircraft.