Mihimihi - akomanga
Practice until you feel confident to stand and deliver your mihimihi without reading it. This simple informal mihimihi is aimed at those of you who have learnt a few more sentence structures and have a larger kete of vocabulary. Click the button below, download and print. Tailor your mihi to the kaupapa of the day/ hui / gathering.
Mihi whakatau and mihimihi - Massey University
Find out what happens at a mihi whakatau, and learn how to introduce yourself with a mihimihi and a pepeha. A mihi whakatau is a general welcome in Māori. It's less formal than a pōwhiri. Generally it will gather everyone together without a karanga (greeting call or incantation), and it will start with a whaikōrero (speech).
Mihi - introductions, Māori ki Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka
At the beginning of any hui, following the pōwhiri (formal welcome) or the mihi whakatau (a welcome, as practised off marae across the Ngāi Tahu tribal region), a round of introductions …
Learn your mihi - Te Rangaihi Reo Māori
We have created a tool so that you can introduce yourself in te reo Māori. This short mihi proclaims who you are and where you come from by saying your name, where your ancestors come from - if you want to or can - and where you live. A mihi (or mihimihi) is an introduction which can take place at the beginning of a gathering or meeting.
Mihimihi - MaoriResource
Knowing your pepeha is crucial to introducing yourself appropriately. Here are some examples of how you can set out your pepeha. Formal mihimihi structure. Greetings to you all. (Say your own pepha). Kei te mihi ki a ____, ki te mana whenua, tēnā koutou. To the local iwi, to _____, I acknowledge and thank you. Ki a tātou e noho nei, tēnā koutou.
Mihi (Māori culture) - Wikipedia
In Māori, a mihi or mihi whakatau is a formal or semi-formal speech or speeches of greeting at a meeting such as a hui. [1] The speech acknowledges those present, and may be accompanied by other ritual greetings or acknowledgements, such as pōwhiri , wero , or recital of pepeha .
kōrero (phrases) associated with ngā mihi (greetings and farewells). This resource provides you with opportunities to increase your repertoire of huinga reo – te reo Māori vocabulary. Achievement Objective: 1.1 Greet, farewell, and acknowledge people and respond to greetings and acknowledgements. Hei Whakamārama – Explanations
Mihi & Kōrero Tuakiri - Reo Māori Mai
2024年4月23日 · Mihi are unique and personal kōrero as it relates to the person saying it and the context in which mihi are being offered. There is no single 'correct' way to mihi - one suggestion is that mihi could/should be different each time you introduce yourself to ensure you’re tailoring the content to the time, place and people as needed.
Mihimihi – Introductory speeches – Community Heart
Mihimihi are introductory speeches which take place at the beginning of a gathering after the more formal pōwhiri. Mihimihi are generally in te reo Māori and can be given by females and males. Mihimihi establish links with other people present.
Māori welcomes – Pōwhiri, mihi whakatau & mihimihi
Find out about karanga, whaikōrero, waiata, hongi and sharing kai – the essential elements of a pōwhiri. Find out what happens at a mihi whakatau (Māori welcome), and learn how to introduce yourself with a mihimihi and pepeha. Pōwhiri, mihi whakatau and mihimihi are authentic demonstrations of manaakitanga (hospitality) at Massey.
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