LONG WAIT collocation | meaning and examples of use
Examples of LONG WAIT in a sentence, how to use it. 19 examples: Pharmacological intervention by the clinician resulted in a long walk to pharmacy and often a long…
a long wait-翻译为中文-例句英语| Reverso Context
Two years is a long wait. I resigned myself to a long wait in line. A casual light lights up a blankness after a long wait. 因为偶然的光亮,照彻了久久等待后的茫然。 They had to endure …
long wait - 英中 – Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"long wait" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
a long wait | English examples in context | Ludwig
"a long wait" is a correct and usable phrase in written English. It can be used to describe a period of time that was long and felt like it was especially drawn out. Example: After standing in line at …
What is another word for long wait - WordHippo
Find 82 synonyms for "long wait" and other similar words that you can use instead from our thesaurus..
been a long wait | English examples in context | Ludwig
The phrase "been a long wait" is correct and usable in written English. You can use it to express that something has been expected for a lengthy period of time. For example, "It's been a long …
a long wait 中文是什么意思 - 查查在线翻译
It would be a long wait . 这将是一次很长的等待。 After a long wait they saw the lights of a vehicle . 他们等了好久,才看见一辆车上的灯光。 尽管如此,早有一长串定单等着呢。 他们上火车之 …
丽声北极星分级绘本第三级下 A Long Wait课件 - renrendoc.com
文本分析 A Long Wait是丽声北极星分级绘本第三级下中的一册绘本,讲述了小女孩Maddie与奶奶的祖孙情。 本文通过对四季变换的描写,由奶奶的来去和鹤的自然迁徙作为两条故事线索, …
A-Long-Wait-教学设计(六年级)李娴静 - 道客巴巴
2020年6月16日 · Grandma 生病作为故事的转折点, Grandma 未能如期而至,季节轮回,第二年的春去夏至,baby cranes 回归,Grandma 和 cranes 一起回归。 故事标题是 A long wait, 四 …
丽声北极星分级绘本第三级下 A Long Wait课件.pptx-原创力文档
丽声北极星分级绘本第三级下A Long Wait漫长的等待文本分析 A Long Wait是“丽声北极星分级绘本第三级下”中的一册绘本,讲述了小女孩Maddie与奶奶的祖孙情。 本文通过对四季变换的描 …