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Give us the brief (or write a few keywords or a brief). 2. Select category. Generate your copy → . by Saber & Abdur Rahman ...
How to Become a Writer: the Personal and Professional
2024年7月1日 · The short answer is: anyone who writes is a writer. However, becoming a writer who’s serious about their professional career requires lots of work, and if you’re wondering how to become a professional writer, you’re here to start your journey towards a productive and successful literary career. How do you become a writer?
Writer - Wikipedia
A writer is a person who uses written words in different writing styles, genres and techniques to communicate ideas, to inspire feelings and emotions, or to entertain.
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有机人名反应——Ritter反应 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Ritter反应(里特反应)是用 烷基化试剂 (如异丁烯与强酸)将腈转化为 N-烷基酰胺 的一个反应。 该反应以美国化学家John Joseph Ritter的名字命名。 某些伯醇、仲醇、叔醇、苄醇,以及乙酸叔丁酯都可以在强酸存在下产生稳定的 碳正离子,从而与腈类发生Ritter反应生成酰胺。 氰化氢、脂肪族腈、芳香族腈、不饱和腈和二腈类也都能发生反应。 以异丁烯和氰化氢为原料,可以制得 叔丁胺。 Ritter反应是少数能在三级碳原子处生成C-N键的反应之一。 能够产生稳定的碳正 …
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