The SAT – SAT Suite | College Board
Find tips on how to study for the SAT using full-length practice tests on Bluebook, downloadable forms if you're approved to test on paper, and Official SAT Prep on Khan Academy®. Sign in to My SAT Dashboard to register for the SAT and view information about your registrations. Here's what's on each section of the SAT and how it's structured.
SAT - Wikipedia
The SAT (/ ˌɛsˌeɪˈtiː / ⓘ ess-ay-TEE) is a standardized test widely used for college admissions in the United States. Since its debut in 1926, its name and scoring have changed several times.
SAT - 百度百科
SAT,也称“美国高考”,是由 美国大学理事会 (College Board)主办的一项标准化的、以笔试形式进行的高中毕业生 学术能力 水平考试。 其成绩是世界各国高中毕业生申请美国 高等教育 院校入学资格及 奖学金 的重要学术能力参考指标。 [1] SAT 考试总分为 1600 分,分为阅读(400分) [2]、文法(400分) [3]和数学(800分) [4]三个部分,另有总分为 24 分(阅读理解8分,文章分析8分,英语写作8分)的作文(选考)部分 [1] [5-6]。 SAT 考试由 美国教育考试服务中心 …
SAT Dates and Deadlines – SAT Suite | College Board
2024年8月9日 · These test dates and deadlines apply to all students—U.S. and international—taking the SAT:
SAT Scores – SAT Suite - College Board
2025年3月21日 · View your SAT scores and score report from your College Board account. Interpret the details in your score and score insights online. Send scores to colleges or other …
What Is the SAT? A Complete Explanation of the Test
The SAT is a standardized test meant to show schools how prepared you are for college by measuring key skills like reading comprehension, computational ability, and clarity of expression. Because so many students take the test, it also provides schools with data about how you compare to your peers nationwide.
SAT - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
在SAT推理測驗(SAT Reasoning Test,舊稱SAT I)總共有三個單元: 寫作 、 數学 、批判性 閱讀 (Critical Reading)。 每部分计分为200-800分,所有分值都是10分进位,总分是三部分相加求和。 所有主要部分都分为三小段。 全部考試分十小節(Section)進行,還有一個實驗題部份,此部份不計分,但測驗中並未指明那一部份為實驗題,故考生仍應全部作答。 總測驗時間為3小時45分鐘 [10],所有的环节(包括指令、發卷、填表、11分钟的休息)总计为4小时30分钟。 由 …
What is the SAT Test? - The Princeton Review
The SAT is an entrance exam used by most colleges and universities to make admissions decisions. The SAT is a multiple-choice, computer-based test created and administered by the College Board. The SAT is used to measure a high school student's readiness for college, and provide colleges with one common data point that can be used to compare ...
What Is the SAT? A Complete Overview - BestColleges
2022年8月15日 · Starting in 2024, the SAT will go digital, cut the number of questions, and take just two hours. Arguably the most well-known standardized college entrance exam in the U.S., the SAT has been around for nearly 100 years.